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Does it help you finish your story or does it just stump you?
Personally it stumps me, I like just to write what comes to mind on a story.
You see a friend and I are writing a story and she plans ahead and we already planned
the plot and I started writing, but I don't know how to fill in the rest.

So planning how does that work for you?

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Well, I'm currently writing as well, and quite frankly, it's mor fifty fifty for me. I love to plan ahead when I don't have a chance to write and I'm bored. But then again, sometimes I'll get the best idea. Then when I get to my computer, I've forgotten it completely. I hate it when that happens.
Oh yes I totally understand that. When you have a great idea but you are no where paper or a computer. That's happened to me many times.

Callie Leah said:
Well, I'm currently writing as well, and quite frankly, it's mor fifty fifty for me. I love to plan ahead when I don't have a chance to write and I'm bored. But then again, sometimes I'll get the best idea. Then when I get to my computer, I've forgotten it completely. I hate it when that happens.
Yeah, but sometimes you can remember it!

Viviana Arteaga said:
Oh yes I totally understand that. When you have a great idea but you are no where paper or a computer. That's happened to me many times.

Callie Leah said:
Well, I'm currently writing as well, and quite frankly, it's mor fifty fifty for me. I love to plan ahead when I don't have a chance to write and I'm bored. But then again, sometimes I'll get the best idea. Then when I get to my computer, I've forgotten it completely. I hate it when that happens.
I don't plan per se. I go with the flow and see where the tale goes. Usually I have a basic idea of where I'm starting and what it will be about. After that, it's fairly open ended. Does that help?

And on forgetting ideas, always keep a pocket sized notebook and pen handy.
I am so stumped...I had a story line and then found out that it was done. I really need a new story, something that brings the fire to someones heart when reading it. I am working hard to make someone feel the way i have felt with certain stories. I hope I can do it.
That's what I want to do. Make a story that fills the reader with pure emotion.

Trudy M said:
I am so stumped...I had a story line and then found out that it was done. I really need a new story, something that brings the fire to someones heart when reading it. I am working hard to make someone feel the way i have felt with certain stories. I hope I can do it.
I've never actually planned any of my story's and just wrote as it came to my mind. I found it more exciting, for me at least, when I just grasped at ideas in my head at random instead of trying to fit everything together beforehand. My friend that I'm currently writing a story with seems to be able to do both. I started talking with him about another idea for a story, one that I'm going to work on as soon as I either finish Shadows or the one me and him are currently working on, and he had me plan it all out ahead of time, which totally ruined my enthusiasm for the story, but I'm still interested in writing it, I just hope I don't get bored of it once we start it and have it all pre-written.
So to make a long story short, I personally prefer to just grasp at ideas out of thin air and implement them into my works rather then have them laid out in front of me.
Trudy, you will! Storylines come and go and you'll wake up with a brilliant idea one day. My best ideas come in the middle of the night when I'm about to doze off LOL. Let your mind breathe and don't try too hard. Look for inspiration by surfing art sites where you'll see hundreds of pictures that might give you an idea. Play games! We have some in the Poetry folder where you can write to the picture. These can help break through writers block too.

Trudy M said:
I am so stumped...I had a story line and then found out that it was done. I really need a new story, something that brings the fire to someones heart when reading it. I am working hard to make someone feel the way i have felt with certain stories. I hope I can do it.
I'm too selfish to be able to collaborate. I have a rough idea where I want it to go that doesn't come close to being called planning. I'd prefer to just pull the ideas out of my head as I go along too.

Maybe it's easier to work together when two people work the same way, like two planners or two non-planners? ( I couldn't think of a word there for non-planners LOL).

Andrew Kunz said:
I've never actually planned any of my story's and just wrote as it came to my mind. I found it more exciting, for me at least, when I just grasped at ideas in my head at random instead of trying to fit everything together beforehand. My friend that I'm currently writing a story with seems to be able to do both. I started talking with him about another idea for a story, one that I'm going to work on as soon as I either finish Shadows or the one me and him are currently working on, and he had me plan it all out ahead of time, which totally ruined my enthusiasm for the story, but I'm still interested in writing it, I just hope I don't get bored of it once we start it and have it all pre-written.
So to make a long story short, I personally prefer to just grasp at ideas out of thin air and implement them into my works rather then have them laid out in front of me.
Oh! I saw the cover for that. It looked amazing. I loved it. It looks like it'll be a great book, and an incredible halloween classic! Haha!

Andrew Kunz said:
I've never actually planned any of my story's and just wrote as it came to my mind. I found it more exciting, for me at least, when I just grasped at ideas in my head at random instead of trying to fit everything together beforehand. My friend that I'm currently writing a story with seems to be able to do both. I started talking with him about another idea for a story, one that I'm going to work on as soon as I either finish Shadows or the one me and him are currently working on, and he me plan it all out ahead of time, which totally ruined my enthusiasm for the story, but I'm still interested in writing it, I just hope I don't get bored of it once we start it and have it all pre-written.
So to make a long story short, I personally prefer to just grasp at ideas out of thin air and implement them into my works rather then have them laid out in front of me.
Oh yes I like to just write concepts out of thin air. I like the idea of planning but it does like Andrew says lose interest in the story. I like to have an idea of the story but not to plan the main points. The one thing I do plan are the characters. I have a notebook filled with characters with their basics like their hair eyes skin height and what not and add in the rest of the info as soon as I use them in a story.
Vivi, did you see the video Sandra posted about writing first drafts by Robin Rice? I think it might help you see that even published authors go through similar things.

How's your friend finding the collaboration? Is it difficult for her as well? It could be you guys need to talk through some more how it's going to work in practical terms to find a compromise.

Viviana Arteaga said:
Oh yes I like to just write concepts out of thin air. I like the idea of planning but it does like Andrew says lose interest in the story. I like to have an idea of the story but not to plan the main points. The one thing I do plan are the characters. I have a notebook filled with characters with their basics like their hair eyes skin height and what not and add in the rest of the info as soon as I use them in a story.

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