Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
I recently launched a news site that is a very high pr and is now open to authors to promote their books by releasing something similar to a pr news release. This costs 25 dollars to have your news about your book or your book launch as a permanent article and link on our site. What is special is that we then take your article about the book and it is promoted through our high rank network as well on social media to gain you strong backlinks and possibly more sales. You can also have your friends comment and link to it. We have also added a bio section where you can add your google authorship - giving you strength and relevancy. The cost is half price at the moment and will be at that price for the next month. This is an offer to help Authors get exposure and strong links.
If you are interested message me here for more details.
Hi Jock, Interested! regards, Paul Sondergaard
Lost you while we were talking, let me know when you have registered and we will craft your book release.
every news release on our high pr site will also get another news release free on our other site as well as free social media promotion.
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