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My sister's and I's relationship is not normal or perfect this sums up the last 16 years of my life and my 3 sister's involvement.


I love you sissy, you’re so tall, and your belly so chubby.

Why is it so chubby? Is that a baby? He’s so cute.

Why don’t you love me sissy? I never see you.

Sissy you’re belly it’s big again! She’s so cute?

Sissy why does she play in the dirt?

I love her sissy she reminds me of you!

Sissy why isn’t your baby boy moving? Why isn’t he breathing?

Sissy? Where did you go? Why did you leave?


I love you sissy, you’re so nice and funny!

Your belly’s big, the baby’s cute. I love my Nicky.

Thank you sissy for watching me I’m glad you love me too!

Sissy, you have three boys, your big belly is getting smaller.

I’m proud of you sissy. I love you sissy don’t leave me.


I love you sissy! We’re so close in age, you love me right?

You love your skishy? I love your baby. He looks like daddy.

Sissy why are John’s eyes red? Why is he shaky?

Sissy! Your wrist there brown and sore?!

Why did he hurt you? Why did he hurt your boys?

Why does he steal? Why do you protect him?

Why do you lie? Why don’t I see you? Why do you want money?

Why sissy why? Why do you lie to skishy?

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A painful relationship and yet you'll always be there for your sister no matter what

There is power in poetry like this. The question, the answer: which one do we  fear to hear. And how might we feel knowing a little of the story at a time. It is that unwinding and knowing that compels us to read on. Well done. If ever you can read an old Scottish poem called 'Edward, Edward' as it is like your poem filled with drama.




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