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I am the recent author of my autobiography. I have prior publications but these have always been of a technical nature associated with my work as a Senior Research Fellow with various national and international organisations. By the way, I am an Englishman of 76 years vintage, who since retirement ten years ago, now resides in Cyprus.

The autobiography is something of a new enterprise for me and this has only just become available on Amazon. My publishers appear to be leaving most of the advertising of the book to myself, since living on a pension I am not willing to consider the further marketing expense that is being suggested.

The book is entitled "On Life's Little Twists and Turns" and relates to my journey from shop floor worker with no academic qualifications, who left school at the age of 15; and service in the Royal Air Force, before entering higher education at the age of 37 for a first degree, a BA in Economics. This was followed by an MSc degree and finally a DPhil which I achieved in 1985 at the age of 47.

The story has been produced in the hope that it might encourage others, who themselves have with little in the way early academic qualifications, to perhaps look beyond their current situations and seek a happier future for themselves.

Personally, I could not have envisaged the life led following from the age of my mid-forties, studies with world-wide travel in order to carry out my research and/or the diffusion of that research. I have visited Mauritius, New York, Helsinki, Turin, Rome, Budapest, Warsaw, Prague, Vienna, Rio de Janeiro, Stockholm, Copenhagen, and many other beautiful cities in the pursuit of this work, things I could never have dreamt of during my early years.

I have no illusion that my little efforts in the book will lead to an enhancement of my reputation, or will lead to financial gains-I am far too old to consider either of those things. The book has been produced for rather more philanthropic reasons. I just hope that it helps others develop their lives in a similar way.

If anyone out there who reads this can offer suggestions how I can get this book more readily diffused to the people it might help I would be greatly obliged.

Bill H.

PS There is a little blurb on the Amazon site which provides a few pages of the book and a short biography on the back cover which may be of interest.

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Hi Bill, congrats on your book! I'd suggest you check out the Groups section here as there are categories related to Marketing and Promotions, Social Media and more that could spark some ideas for you. 

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