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I'm the way Kay is. You've given me something to test out now Sandra. Thanks for the suggestion.
Today is a perfect example. My neighbor had a chainsaw going all day trimming trees, and I mean all day. From 9am until dark I listened to that and it drove me nuts. I couldn't get a thing done. Perhaps that would work for me.
Do you or Viviana have any music suggestions? Viviana, I can't read with music going either!
Sandra Kitchen said:Kay, the right music blocks all other noises out if you have a headset on, and at the same time it gives me the freedom, I need to concentrate on what I am writing. It is outside noises that distract me, like the TV or the dog, this way I do not hear those things.
Kay Elizabeth said:You know what, I have a friend that does that too Sandra. I'm the complete opposite. I need silence. I can't write with the TV on or music playing.
I'm getting that right now, actually. At first I didn't do anything about it, I just went and did something else and completely forgot that I had been trying to work on anything, that was until my friend suggested that I go read anything I've written before, previously finished projects or essays, or magazines, or even the back cover of a book that I have in my room and it actually worked pretty well for me. I went back and read one of my older projects that I completed, got about half way through the prologue and immediately jumped back to the project I was working on with tons of ideas that I had no idea where they had come from.
Um Dj Schmolli is good he does mixes of songs Streetlight Manifesto, Five Finger Death Punch, Dresden Dolls, I am ghost,3. If you're into rock that is, thats what I listen too when I read and write.
When Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was published in 1997, Joanne Kathleen Rowling was a previously unpublished author. She had no publishing credits, no insider knowledge, no friends in the industry. So how did she do it? How did she go on, in the space of ten short years, to become the first billionaire author on the planet?
The answer to that question lies not in what she did in those ten years between the publication of the first book and that of the seventh, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
The answer actually lies in what she did in the seven years prior to the first book’s publication.
So if you’re an author who is yet to be published, you’re actually in the best possible position. Because it’s in this time, before your book hits the shelves, that you can have the greatest influence on its success.
I actually am right now. I'm in the middle of writing a novel and I can't think of anything for the middle to make it interesting. I hate when that happens. I just can't stand it. It's the most annoying thing in the world for someone who hopes to be a famous author one day. It makes me think about authors like J. K. Rowling and Stephanie Meyer and I wonder if they ever suffered from writers block while writing Harry Potter and Twilight...
I find that amazing that you can listen to rock and work! I assumed it would be something more tame. I know I'm getting old now. I didn't recognize one of those names and that's always a sign LOL. :)
Viviana Arteaga said:Um Dj Schmolli is good he does mixes of songs Streetlight Manifesto, Five Finger Death Punch, Dresden Dolls, I am ghost,3. If you're into rock that is, thats what I listen too when I read and write.
lol I know my friends are impressed that I do that and sometimes I watch Tv at the same time that im reading and listening to music. Sometimes I can do it and others I can't, ja ja I find my singing (horribly off key) while reading lol it so weird because I accidentally sing out a word I read lol!
And don't worry Kay, they are not much of main stream bands, but it also depends in where you live. I live in a small town and not that many people know about them. So your not alone!! lol
Kay Elizabeth said:I find that amazing that you can listen to rock and work! I assumed it would be something more tame. I know I'm getting old now. I didn't recognize one of those names and that's always a sign LOL. :)
Viviana Arteaga said:Um Dj Schmolli is good he does mixes of songs Streetlight Manifesto, Five Finger Death Punch, Dresden Dolls, I am ghost,3. If you're into rock that is, thats what I listen too when I read and write.
I am seriously impressed you can multitask like that, Viviana! I tried listening with headphones on today like Sandra had been talking about and am stunned that I could do it and work at the same time. I had relaxation music on and it was low enough not to distract me. I know that's a whole lot different from what you're capable of. :)
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