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Does a person have to go to college to become a published and succesful writer?

I currently don't have the mindset to write a novel yet. I can't even come up with a decent short story. I've been trying to better my skill in writing on my own by reading books and stories posted on the internet. Some are self help guides on how to write a novel and other literary pieces. I've also been writing, journal entries mostly and some ideas for short novels.

I was thinking of going back to college and taking a course in English hoping that by doing so would greatly improve my skill in writing and that I'll finally be able to write a book. There is an approximate chance that it would. But it's unlikely to happen now. Not only am I lackng in courage, I'm also lacking in money. I took a different course and studied in college but for only about a year. I had to dropout due to some financial troubles.

"What if I'll never be skilled or creative enough to be a writer", "What if I never get published", "Am I going to end up like those people who were never good enough? Those people with unfulfilled dreams. Some try to content themselves with whatever gives them solace and relief. They're probably bitter and jaded". Of course these are just my thoughts. These thoughts wallow in my mind and haunt me constantly.

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I read recently of a basket ball player saying that every shot never taken is guaranteed to miss. History is filled with the stories of people who never went to college/university who sits at the top with the best. While you doubt yourself it could be that you are robbing the world of the next great book. Forget about the english and go ahead and write. When you are through writing a good editor will put it all together for you.

I know that you have many thoughts and inspiration so begin by writing these down. 

I look forward to reading the great book that you shall eventually produce.

I know this is super belated but after some time I realized that my idea was wrong. I'm aware that there are people who became successful later on in their lives without having stepped foot in college. Maybe I just need to take one or two creative writing classes.

A person absolutely does not have to go to college to become a published and successful writer!

That does not mean going to college is not helpful on many other levels.  What it takes to be a successful writer is for a person to WRITE, WRITE and WRITE.  The more you write the easier writing becomes.  Try putting ideas together.  One exercise I found that has really helped me is to try writing a step-by-step type of recipe method of how to do something (i.e. how to get dressed in the morning to go to work).  This gets you into a mode of how to organize your thoughts.  Use that method to make up a story - any story. Now....START WRITING!

A superb insight.

Hello Marieh:

I am so glad to share my thoughts with you on your question.

It was 1983 when  I enrolled in a college creative writing class as an elective. I had no interest in writing. From the first day in class, "Pandora's box" was opened. It was as if I had seen black and white all my life and suddenly I could see in color. The students in class were either the  shyest or the bravest, reading what they had written, be it a poem, story or a chapter of a book they were writing. Everyone offered advice on how to help the person become a better writer. I took three creative writing courses and dabbled in poetry.

Then I went on to short stories.

Never did I hope the confidence of my writing a book as you do now.

But in 2011, I wrote my first book, "Was It Fate Or Destiny?"

I was in disbelief that I had wrote a book. I never held onto a sliver of hope that I could write another book. But my best friend egged me on humorously and said, "When you write your next book, make me a gunfighter!"

The next month, I penned, "A Gunfighter's Promise!"

Now I am getting ready to write my 23rd book.

But to answer your question,

PLEASE enroll in a creative writing class near you, or just sit in on the class. Most instructors won't mind one bit if you sit in. Their only goal is to "Open the door to your mind and let out your creative writing juices.

Sadly, my professor died in 2013. I wish he could have seen what I have accomplished from attending three classes he taught.

Good luck to you, Marieh,


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