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how much of an impact to an author`s writing does his or hers age have?

i dont know about you guys but i think that as you get older your books start to grow in a mature way. right now, my books seem up to date in the complexedy, but maybe two years from now ill see them childeish, im telling my self right now that`ll never happen, but my brain knows what might happened. hwo about you guys, how strong of an impacted does age have in writing?  thanks fellow authors

        from halim

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When I was younger I thought I had to write something 'worthwhile,' socially redeeming or having something important to say.  And I never had anything I thought was important enough.  Now that I am older I don't really care how important it is.  I write things I think would be fun to read.

thank you for replying Sally


A good subject Halim.

Am I a better author for being more worldly wise (debatable)? I have more experience to draw on creatively, possibly. 

However, I think any artist is creative, each in their own way and this changes throughout their lives. It doesn't get better or worse because of age, it just changes. The audience are the ultimate judge... Do you connect? Should you connect? Who are you trying to reach? Some works aren't appreciated until generations later. Why is that? I don't know...

I just write because I want to. I have fun writing. My kids enjoy the books (my main goal) and if others do too, that's a bonus.

I never saw myself as an artist till recently. It's quite a different way to  view the world, one I never appreciated when I was much younger, but then we all change.

For me, I am glad of the change. I am grateful I have written some books and that others have enjoyed them too. Quite a wonderful feeling.

So does age make a difference? If you feel a need to be creative, do it, age doesn't matter, nor is it important. Whether 3 or 103 just do it!

Zero. Skill and age are hardly related. I've been able to write perfectly for years and my dad is twice my age and his use of English is offensive to me.

that has given me a lot to think of, thanks alot you guys


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