Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Why is it do you think that authors do not get as much recognition as singers or actors? How could we change this and make reading more popular?

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I don't think it can be helped. I mean, most people aren't just interested in mentaling stimulating activities. I for one think that reading is the best past time ever. I mean, people might as well get more interested in reading. What if for about three months or so, we had a black out, and none of the electronics worked. What would people do for fun? I for one believe that books are way better than electronic devices. I guess the only type of book everyone will read is an E-book. Sadly.
That's a very good question, Phillip. So many want everything right now, today and not tomorrow, a book looks like hard work. Readers have to put time and effort into enjoying the process of sticking with it to the end. Books don't always offer the immediate gratification that movies or music can.

Authors also now have to compete with so many more distractions and leisure pursuits that just didn't exist a hundred or even just fifty years ago. I saw an ad on TV an hour ago with Shrek telling kids to go out and play an hour a day. That wouldn't have been needed when I was a kid. The ad would have been telling us to come in. :)

I think when ebook readers like the Kindle become more affordable we may see a resurgence in interest in books. I feel technology's going to trample over the printed kind, much as I hate to say that. That is how I see change will happen and authors will become the cool kids on the block.
Callie, I experienced an event like that last January. We had a major ice storm and lost power for 11 days. I was glad I had books in the house! The hardest thing was not being online. I could cope with no hot water, having to wash my clothes in the tub and even no coffeemaker. Not knowing what was in my inbox was the killer. :)

That was taken opposite my driveway. Neighbors had to take chainsaws to that canopy of broken limbs before we could get the car out. No, that's not true. We had to cut away the pine tree that had split and fallen against the driver's door before we got it out LOL.

But I'll say this, I got through several books by candlelight. :) So I think you're right.

Phillip, I'll ask you your own question. Why is it do you think that authors do not get as much recognition as singers or actors? How could we change this and make reading more popular?

Callie Leah said:
I don't think it can be helped. I mean, most people aren't just interested in mentaling stimulating activities. I for one think that reading is the best past time ever. I mean, people might as well get more interested in reading. What if for about three months or so, we had a black out, and none of the electronics worked. What would people do for fun? I for one believe that books are way better than electronic devices. I guess the only type of book everyone will read is an E-book. Sadly.
I was thinking that we need those that move in influential circles and are influencers to talk more about books and reading. How often do you hear a celebrity that isn't Oprah or a writer discuss what they read or would like to? The questions don't get asked.

Instead of hearing all about what's in their fridge or the color palette of their bedroom, interviewers could ask that of the rich and famous. Life imitates art. Let the artists lead the way.
Exactly! Authors aren't people who write things just to bore teenagers whose reading teachers make them read a book, we're visionaries. We are people who entertain, not bore. Authors are artists. Sure we don't paint or draw, but we are artist nonetheless!

Kay Elizabeth said:
I was thinking that we need those that move in influential circles and are influencers to talk more about books and reading. How often do you hear a celebrity that isn't Oprah or a writer discuss what they read or would like to? The questions don't get asked.

Instead of hearing all about what's in their fridge or the color palette of their bedroom, interviewers could ask that of the rich and famous. Life imitates art. Let the artists lead the way.
I started thinking, and I guess that books will never be popular until they're movies. Take Twilight for example. I liked it before it was a movie, and when they made it a movie, they ruined the book.

We are artists
We are creators
We are creative
We are laborers
But yet,
We remain in the shadows
Why must the World be so cruel?
We make vampires SPARKLE!!!
Haha you saw what I did there, yea I know you did. =P

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