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To All Guys! Who are more appealing? Blondes or Brunettes?

This has always been a question that most dudes seem at some moment in their lives to think over...Do you perfer the Blonds who sopposably have more fun...Or the sweet sophisicated type? knowing exactly who to seduce.... If your a chick, and either blonde or brunette. Wanting to state their case. Go ahead, and let's see who wins this! lol
Im on the brunette side, Since i am
(.. In case your wondering...Im Insanly bored. lol)

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Honestly, I've never thought about whether I like Blond or Brunette. I think the only hair colour I'd be turned off by would be bleach blond with every colour in the known spectrum highlights. The length of the hair, that is something I can say I've thought about, but again, it doesn't really make much of a difference to me. I mean I like long hair, but I don't think it would really matter in the end. Your appearance, for me, isn't something I pay a heck of a lot of attention to; I'm "apparently" < note the air quotes > one of those rare guys, or at least so I'm told by most of my female friends... My male friends call me gay, so it could be either or... or both, I guess?
But the truth is I'm more interested in who you are and not how you look.
First of all, this is sort of sexist, but not really since you're a girl, but if you were a guy, it would be. That sort of goes along with my science project. (Sorta) It's titled, "Are blondes really blonde?" It's studying if hair color affects your level of mental comprihension. Oh, and by the way, blondes may have more fun, but brunettes are usually smarter, cooler, and more mature.
I don't think hair color plays a role in anything...especially that of women. They can, and do, dye their hair any color they want. What is much more important is what they have inside of they they react to life...and how they treat everyone else. If you have read "Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male" you would know all of this already and probably never had asked the question in the first place. (LOL) Instead of being bored, read a good book!
I definitely agree with Phillip Nork all the way on his reply to this.
I'm with Philip and Phillip. Any person that judges who they would consider having a relationship with on their hair color alone is about as deep as a puddle. Hair color can be bought at any dollar store. Personality and a wonderful nature cannot.

Phillip Christoffersen said:
I definitely agree with Phillip Nork all the way on his reply to this.
I ALWAYS READ!!! lol just was wondering...

Philip Nork said:
I don't think hair color plays a role in anything...especially that of women. They can, and do, dye their hair any color they want. What is much more important is what they have inside of they they react to life...and how they treat everyone else. If you have read "Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male" you would know all of this already and probably never had asked the question in the first place. (LOL) Instead of being bored, read a good book!
Since the question is directed at who is more appealing and not who is more beautiful on the inside. Or who is more mature, i'd have to say i find brunettes more appealing.
However, there are other factors that influence, yes!
What i'm trying to say, is that if you are brunette, you have a +1 with me! XD
thanks for the true answer. lol

Rowen Mahogany said:
Since the question is directed at who is more appealing and not who is more beautiful on the inside. Or who is more mature, i'd have to say i find brunettes more appealing.
However, there are other factors that influence, yes!
What i'm trying to say, is that if you are brunette, you have a +1 with me! XD

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