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Hi, I'm new to social media and would love advice from anyone who has had good success with it.

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What have you tried so far Sally? Do you have a Facebook fan page for your book?
Oh, no, I don't.  I've seen it mentioned a couple of times but not got around to it.  I'll do that first thing tomorrow.

Ok, so I have a website for the book with a blog, facebook, twitter, and Amazon author pages, and a

facebook fan page for the book, and have posted on all the sites I can find that fit.  Can you tell me, what is the RSS feed?  How does it work?


Sally Pomeroy said:

Ok, so I have a website for the book with a blog, facebook, twitter, and Amazon author pages, and a

facebook fan page for the book, and have posted on all the sites I can find that fit.  Can you tell me, what is the RSS feed?  How does it work?



As I understand  to it, an rss feed lets you send your blog url to another url address..  Any knowleable computer person can do it for you.   If you are not computer savvy, get a commnity college computer student/college instructor to help you or your public library computer tec to assist you. That is what I did.

Thanks, C.A.

  Just an update - I quit promoting the book in May when I went away to study for a while.  Upon return I found that there was no difference in the number of downloads of our book.  So other than keeping up with the friends I made while actively promoting the book, I have stopped seeking readers.  Our download numbers are pretty much the same - with an occasional really big day, for which I have no explanation.

Hello all my name is robin elizabeth. I just joined this group .  Can anyone suggest to me ,any horror groups?


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