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Is the Twilight series truly to die for, Or are those brainwashed chicks really just overreacting?
For me...I read the books WAY BEFORE it was suddenly famous...and I can say that The twilight books were okay, got boring after a while. The movie was complete s***. Edward is totally ugly.
anyhow, just wondering what you guys think....
Are the high pitched screams worth the books as well as the movies?, ...and even the horrible actors?

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Honestly, I don't see why they freak out the way they do, but I just let them have their fun. They need something to be extremely super excited about.
The only thing I did appreciate about the series is made more people read. I read it before it got all crazy too, I got the first book as a b day present. When I got the last book and finished it was when every pre teen to teen started squealing over Edward.. personally I'm a Jacob fan. I semi liked the the last book because it made the twilight universe more open but it left a lot of questions with Jacob and the lil girl and that other dude that was half human and half vamp. The way he looked at her was what made me he gonna go for her when she gets older or what?
Anything that encourages young adults or teens to read instead of vegetate in front of a video game, I'm all for. I didn't read the books but saw the movie. If that's what the books are like, I'd be unimpressed.

Edward's not traditionally handsome although he is charismatic . Rumor has it he and Emma Watson got together on one of the Harry Potter sets. Robert Pattinson has quite the reputation as a ladies man already.
This what i got to say about robert pattinson "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Go Taylor Lautner!!!!!!!!!!!

scribbler said:
Anything that encourages young adults or teens to read instead of vegetate in front of a video game, I'm all for. I didn't read the books but saw the movie. If that's what the books are like, I'd be unimpressed.

Edward's not traditionally handsome although he is charismatic . Rumor has it he and Emma Watson got together on one of the Harry Potter sets. Robert Pattinson has quite the reputation as a ladies man already.
I agree, I never was a big fan of Edward... In fact, I like every other Character in the books/movie more than I like Bella and Edward. I have to say Alice and Jasper are my favourites, lol.

Viviana Arteaga said:
The only thing I did appreciate about the series is made more people read. I read it before it got all crazy too, I got the first book as a b day present. When I got the last book and finished it was when every pre teen to teen started squealing over Edward.. personally I'm a Jacob fan. I semi liked the the last book because it made the twilight universe more open but it left a lot of questions with Jacob and the lil girl and that other dude that was half human and half vamp. The way he looked at her was what made me he gonna go for her when she gets older or what?
In my own opinion, I say that the Twilight books weren't to die for at all, actually, people over-reacted to them. They weren't at all as amazing as everyone said they were, they were, for me, the usual teen books that got way too much credit only because of the chea romance between a vampire and a human. Now that we're on that subject, why not say one more thing, the worst thing about that book was that the vampires sparkled: VAMPIRES DONT SPARKLE.
It's okay, but to be honest, the fans completely ruined it. Go to any Twilight board, insult Edward, and I guarantee you sparks will fly. I prefer the more classic depictions of vampires, like Dracula.
The same thing would happen on any fan site though. Try saying a bad word about Trekkies on a Star Trek fan site . :) Edward did make me laugh in the movie because his makeup was so terrible. He was attempting to look mean and moody too LOL.

Aries Wren said:
It's okay, but to be honest, the fans completely ruined it. Go to any Twilight board, insult Edward, and I guarantee you sparks will fly. I prefer the more classic depictions of vampires, like Dracula.
I guess I like the Twilight Saga a bit, but yeah, those brainwashed chicks are just really overreacting. In my opinion, New Moon was better than Twilight, maybe because we focus on hottie-hot Jacob more. And that part about Edward is so true. He has a messed up nipple. XD
I haven't read the "Twilight" novels or seen the movies. Horror isn't my cup of blood. Vampires are a pain in the neck.

However, some of my friends in my age group are just as "New Moon"-struck as any teenaged girl. So this gives me a chance to needle them with my favorite vampire jokes. E.g.: What does a vampire on a diet drink? Blood Lite.
lmao, nice, nice.
I saw New Moon this weekend and I got stuck sitting between a bunch of girls that just wouldn't shut the eff up. The whole movie they just talked about how "HOT!" Jacob (Taylor Lautner) was every time you see him without his shirt on, which is basically the entire 2nd half of the movie. I just wanted to pop them in the mouth and I probably would have said something to them if their Dad, at least I think it was their Dad, was there... He was pretty old to be one of their Boyfriends. Not to mention they didn't seem to have read any of the Twilight Books. I guess I can understand that, but if you're going to see a movie based on a book, don't spend the entire two and a half hours asking what every little thing means.

Mary Anne Landers said:
I haven't read the "Twilight" novels or seen the movies. Horror isn't my cup of blood. Vampires are a pain in the neck.
However, some of my friends in my age group are just as "New Moon"-struck as any teenaged girl. So this gives me a chance to needle them with my favorite vampire jokes. E.g.: What does a vampire on a diet drink? Blood Lite.
lol blood lite thats funny!

Mary Anne Landers said:
I haven't read the "Twilight" novels or seen the movies. Horror isn't my cup of blood. Vampires are a pain in the neck.

However, some of my friends in my age group are just as "New Moon"-struck as any teenaged girl. So this gives me a chance to needle them with my favorite vampire jokes. E.g.: What does a vampire on a diet drink? Blood Lite.

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