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The first time I was asked this I was a bit taken aback. I thought everyone loved to write! :) But my answer would be it's cathartic. I write because it lets me get thoughts out of my brain and spill them onto the page.

It also helps me organize my thinking which can be like a runaway train some days. :)

So why do you write?
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Good question. I write more as a hobby than a career. It's the one thing I can remember loving to do when I was only young and books always fascinated me. Once I had devoured Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys mysteries, I was hooked. I guess I wanted to be able to do that too and create something special.
Scribbler, talk about a blast from the past. Nancy Drew was a childhood favorite of mine too. I also enjoyed Enid Blyton's books. First it was The Secret Seven series of hers I read followed by The Famous Five series. I've had a love of books as far back as I can remember. I wish I'd read more when I was younger and had plenty of free time!

scribbler said:
Good question. I write more as a hobby than a career. It's the one thing I can remember loving to do when I was only young and books always fascinated me. Once I had devoured Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys mysteries, I was hooked. I guess I wanted to be able to do that too and create something special.
People always ask this question, I actually wrote a big long explanation as why I write (which I know you have read Kay ) I think there is a wide misconception that when a young person writes (especially a female) that it's because she's depressed etc, really not true! I generally write better when I'm happy! But... I write because I have no choice...there are characters, plot lines, poetry and other things swimming around in the vast pool of fiction that some people may choose to call my brain... each of these characters are all desperate for their own happily ever after to start... I wish I enjoyed writing University essays as much as stories :-)
You have a very creative mind obviously! And the University essays with be worth finishing. :) How do you keep all those ideas from being forgotten Cheryl?

Cheryl said:
People always ask this question, I actually wrote a big long explanation as why I write (which I know you have read Kay ) I think there is a wide misconception that when a young person writes (especially a female) that it's because she's depressed etc, really not true! I generally write better when I'm happy! But... I write because I have no choice...there are characters, plot lines, poetry and other things swimming around in the vast pool of fiction that some people may choose to call my brain... each of these characters are all desperate for their own happily ever after to start... I wish I enjoyed writing University essays as much as stories :-)
Ha! The simple answer to that question, would be I don't! I'm sure I loose a hundred different characters everyday... an idea will pop into my mind then disappear just as quickly. When I was younger I use to note everything down...then something occurred to me... if an idea is good enough I will remember it. If something is going to be a good story it has to be memorable, if even I can't remember the character I thought one else is going to! lol

Sadly... I actually do enjoy writing academic essays lol, I'm lucky that I was allowed to pick an area that I am really interested in...still don't enjoy it as much as creative writing :-)

(sorry if this doesn't make sense... have a fuzzy head due to a cold! Damn freshers flu!)

scribbler said:
You have a very creative mind obviously! And the University essays with be worth finishing. :) How do you keep all those ideas from being forgotten Cheryl?

Cheryl said:
People always ask this question, I actually wrote a big long explanation as why I write (which I know you have read Kay ) I think there is a wide misconception that when a young person writes (especially a female) that it's because she's depressed etc, really not true! I generally write better when I'm happy! But... I write because I have no choice...there are characters, plot lines, poetry and other things swimming around in the vast pool of fiction that some people may choose to call my brain... each of these characters are all desperate for their own happily ever after to start... I wish I enjoyed writing University essays as much as stories :-)
You know, after asked this, I feel very much like you did. It's certainly not something I ever thought I would be asked. I write because books can take you away to a life you always wanted but could never have. I am curently writing a murder mystery, and I must say, I feel a strong urge to send every writer on this site a free copy just because they share my most beloved interest. Thanks for asking!
Oh my gosh! I love Nancy Drew! Caroline Keene is such a genius. I completely agree, I'm hooked on them too, but I don't read the Hardy Boys. I'm not really sure why. I suppose it's because I always hated the fact that people just automatically think that boys are better than girls. I guess I should start reading them though, considering that they were writen by Caroline Keene also with another person al well.

scribbler said:
Good question. I write more as a hobby than a career. It's the one thing I can remember loving to do when I was only young and books always fascinated me. Once I had devoured Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys mysteries, I was hooked. I guess I wanted to be able to do that too and create something special.
I ask myself this question a lot, because I never want to forget why, three years ago, when i was in fifth grade, I read a book, it was a warrior cats book, and, i know its a bit cheesy, but i really just loved those books and how they were just made me happy. So I made one small, short story, and everyone asked me why I was writing a book and that they wanted to read I finished it in sixth grade. After that, I felt proud of myself, so I went ahead and made another book, I finished my second one too, and I said there was going to be a sequel of the second one, but I started writing and's just fun, and even though I'm 13, I actually like books, and writing... So, I guess I write because I want to make people feel how I felt when I read that first Warriors book, I want to make people feel like they're in the book, make them happy. :) (Epic smiley face ending :D)
What a great story, Alex! You keep at it and you'll do well. I think enthusiasm and a passion for writing counts for a lot. What was your first book about?

Alex Davis said:
I ask myself this question a lot, because I never want to forget why, three years ago, when i was in fifth grade, I read a book, it was a warrior cats book, and, i know its a bit cheesy, but i really just loved those books and how they were just made me happy. So I made one small, short story, and everyone asked me why I was writing a book and that they wanted to read I finished it in sixth grade. After that, I felt proud of myself, so I went ahead and made another book, I finished my second one too, and I said there was going to be a sequel of the second one, but I started writing and's just fun, and even though I'm 13, I actually like books, and writing... So, I guess I write because I want to make people feel how I felt when I read that first Warriors book, I want to make people feel like they're in the book, make them happy. :) (Epic smiley face ending :D)
I write because it's one of my first loves. ( Reading's my very first--and there's a quote somewhere about not being able to be a writer if you're not a reader so my loves serve double duty, so to speak.):)
I started writing because I didnt talk much. Or more like I really didnt have someone I trusted enough or would not judge me to talk to. I wasnt sad or whatever, I just have trust issues with people heehee! I also got so lost in the worlds that authors would write. Id see, feel, everything! I was so amazed by these magical people that I wanted to do the same. Thats why I write for emotional release and to make something that people can relate to or enjoy.

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