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IF YOU WERE TO DIE IN LESS THAN 5 MINUTES...What Would Be The Last Thing You'd Ever Do???

I've always wondered off topics like these...thinking of exactly what i would do... eveyone and tell them i love them?
.....Kiss life goodbye?
.....get Pissed off at the reason im going to die in the first place...
.....Or even make a will...
I realized WHAT I"D REALLY..Unfortuntely do...
I'd sit there for the last 5 minutes of my life....and reflect on all I've done in my short years, remenicse on memories Id never forget, speculate over the memories i should have changed..
And simply marvelize the faces i hold dear to my heart..Remembering all their smiles..Listening to the echos of their past laughter in my mind
And, wonder, if they'll miss me...

Tell me, what would you do? and ponder over this carefully and think true to your heart.

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Buy a pack of life savers!!!

SO i sat here for about six minutes thinking....  If i had five minutes before i die. I would call this person. Tell them how i feel. Then lock myself in my room and pray. (=

hahaha damn 6 min. nice. a certain person u have in mind brooklynn ? 

praying is always a great option. lol

Not much time ... five minutes. Thinking about it though I have been close once or twice in my life. I remember once being in the middle of a super hurricane at sea. Towering waves like you'd never believe, and our massive ship going submarine. I still get nightmares as I see the huge waves, over thirty metres high, crashing up the deck so only the accommodation block was still above the surface.

Most of the guys on board thought they wouldn't survive the night, so spent it in the bar getting

paralytic. That way they wouldn't notice the water filling their lungs if we went down.

I spent most of the night on the ship's bridge watching the thrill of it all. I remember feelings of such intense exhileration and I actually felt very in touch with the power of the tempest. It was an extremely scary night and could have been the end of my time, but I didn't think of it like that, even though a sister ship had gone down with all hands in a similiar situation. It had only taken a matter of minutes for that ship to go from seaworthy to wreck. We were luckier.

I guess what I am trying to say we never really believe our time is coming to an end. We just keep on keeping on.

experiences with the grim reaper can be frightening indeed. thanks dude, for telling me such a story. ;) Glad u are safe.

wow... um i think i would tell my borthers to continue my series and finish them, and i would tell all my family that i love them and so on. then i would sit near a lake and watch it till i die, to enjoy the beauty of life before i lose it...


from 14 year old halim

good answer dude. ;) yeah i pondered over the idea of letting someone close to me finish my series... but i dont know. might just let it never be finished so people will wonder.. lol and hopefully shed a tear at the last sentence nevered finished.
Open a bottle of wine and sit on the porch, smell the air and feel the breezes. Much too late for regrets or remembrances. I love your phrase 'marvelize their faces'.  I'd 'marvelize' being in this world, before finding out what comes after.

I like this.

Sean Noonan said:

Not much time ... five minutes. Thinking about it though I have been close once or twice in my life. I remember once being in the middle of a super hurricane at sea. Towering waves like you'd never believe, and our massive ship going submarine. I still get nightmares as I see the huge waves, over thirty metres high, crashing up the deck so only the accommodation block was still above the surface.

Most of the guys on board thought they wouldn't survive the night, so spent it in the bar getting

paralytic. That way they wouldn't notice the water filling their lungs if we went down.

I spent most of the night on the ship's bridge watching the thrill of it all. I remember feelings of such intense exhileration and I actually felt very in touch with the power of the tempest. It was an extremely scary night and could have been the end of my time, but I didn't think of it like that, even though a sister ship had gone down with all hands in a similiar situation. It had only taken a matter of minutes for that ship to go from seaworthy to wreck. We were luckier.

I guess what I am trying to say we never really believe our time is coming to an end. We just keep on keeping on.

good answer! lol just soak in the last of life eh? 

Sally Pomeroy said:
Open a bottle of wine and sit on the porch, smell the air and feel the breezes. Much too late for regrets or remembrances. I love your phrase 'marvelize their faces'.  I'd 'marvelize' being in this world, before finding out what comes after.
What does come next, maybe we should have a string on this too....

Kiss my wife and tell her I'll love her through all eternity, but if she meets someone in the future that makes her happy not to hesitate to remarry. As I want her to be happy and taken care of when I'm no longer around to do it. And tell my children how proud I am of each and everyone of them.

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