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As always im in a rush 

so this shall be sweet and simple. this discussion is as it states,.

Describe yourself to me.

Not one word. But two.

Only two? You may be asking.

because One is To me Simply impossible. lol  

2 is enough to Put your brain beneath pressure.

and in this case, pressure is Good.

I shall write yet another discussion in the week to come. for now see ya.



And my 2 words.


 Sensually captivating.

Those who Disagree Shall PERISH!! lol 


sorry trying to control myself. 


C YA! 

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bastard philanthropist

Two words to describe myself.   Hmmmmm. Okay, got it!


"I'm Me"

Me too!  :)

F. E. Lockyer said:

Two words to describe myself.   Hmmmmm. Okay, got it!


"I'm Me"

hahaha, I agree on that one! lol

Griselda Parrales said:
f****** psycho :D
intuitive and deep
Thanks dudes!!  to me , this discussion is for letting everyone know just how we see ourselves.  for those who hasnt written please do!!! ;)

SUPREME RULER!!!!!!!.... lol just kidding, that would be cool though...


creative, knowledgeable

from 14 year old halim 

hhahaha why not?

To me, I 'm

scintillatingly fascinating

to someone your age I'm afraid I would be 

incredibly boring.

Just Around

Nah!! lol Of course not, everyone is amazing in their own way, no matter how corny that sounds. lol 

To me, age is wisdom. and wisdom is as fascinating as can be. ;)

Sally Pomeroy said:

To me, I 'm

scintillatingly fascinating

to someone your age I'm afraid I would be 

incredibly boring.

haha, funny. ;) 

Mark W. Medley said:
Just Around

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