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IF YOU WERE TO DIE IN LESS THAN 5 MINUTES...What Would Be The Last Thing You'd Ever Do???

I've always wondered off topics like these...thinking of exactly what i would do... eveyone and tell them i love them?
.....Kiss life goodbye?
.....get Pissed off at the reason im going to die in the first place...
.....Or even make a will...
I realized WHAT I"D REALLY..Unfortuntely do...
I'd sit there for the last 5 minutes of my life....and reflect on all I've done in my short years, remenicse on memories Id never forget, speculate over the memories i should have changed..
And simply marvelize the faces i hold dear to my heart..Remembering all their smiles..Listening to the echos of their past laughter in my mind
And, wonder, if they'll miss me...

Tell me, what would you do? and ponder over this carefully and think true to your heart.

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awwww arent u a sweet fatherly type. I respect That. ;)

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