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IF YOU WERE TO DIE IN LESS THAN 5 MINUTES...What Would Be The Last Thing You'd Ever Do???

I've always wondered off topics like these...thinking of exactly what i would do... eveyone and tell them i love them?
.....Kiss life goodbye?
.....get Pissed off at the reason im going to die in the first place...
.....Or even make a will...
I realized WHAT I"D REALLY..Unfortuntely do...
I'd sit there for the last 5 minutes of my life....and reflect on all I've done in my short years, remenicse on memories Id never forget, speculate over the memories i should have changed..
And simply marvelize the faces i hold dear to my heart..Remembering all their smiles..Listening to the echos of their past laughter in my mind
And, wonder, if they'll miss me...

Tell me, what would you do? and ponder over this carefully and think true to your heart.
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I would write a simple letter that read "I love you all with all my heart"

And like you just sit there and reminisce. Laugh smile cry and probably just completely call myself an idiot but still love my life as is because you know no other and have nothing to really completely compare it to. Id be content because no matter what people have done to me and put me through I know I came out strong and true a little confused but knew it was never my fault and that I have no true shame on my shoulders. And accept death with a smile and hope that I am the good person I always thought I was.
Wow. That's a good question. Well, I'd stay with my two best friends and my mom, the three people I care about most in the world and finally tell my crush that I like him. I'd have my first kiss and really enjoy it. And finally, I'd just think of all the good times that I had and die laughing.
I know what I WANT to do. I'd want to go up to Aaron Mercer, the cutest, sweetest, nicest boy ever, and tell him I've had a crush on him forever and all I want is to have my first kiss before I die, hoping he'll either feel sorry for me or like me back, and give me the one thing I want. But I couldn't do that. I live in Tennessee, and he lives in Texas. I love him, but he'll never know it. Even if I don't die for sixty more years.
IF YOU WERE TO DIE IN LESS THAN 5 MINUTES...What Would Be The Last Thing You'd Ever Do???

Breathe, I guess.

The question you should really be asking yourself is why you're not telling all those people you love them today and changing what you regret having never changed or done -- while you still can. Too many wait till their deathbed.
You know I wouldnt tell the person that I loved that I loved them. Because imagine this this person is in love with someone else and he/she have known you sees you only as a friend and when you tell them on your deathbed that you loved them always no matter what it puts them in an awkward sad situation. Like feelin bad for never really seein your true feelins for you or for never returning it. Making them feel miserable and guilty.
Thats how I see it. None of that romance movie B.S. that they become new people releasing they actually did love you. But in reality they only love you now because of guilt. Thats how I see it.
If someone loved me that died I would want to have known it and not spent the rest of my life wondering if they did or not. Because you can bet your bottom dollar they already have an inkling. :)

Anyway, you're dead after that. It's not like they'll dump their girlfriend for you. ;)

Viviana Arteaga said:
You know I wouldnt tell the person that I loved that I loved them. Because imagine this this person is in love with someone else and he/she have known you sees you only as a friend and when you tell them on your deathbed that you loved them always no matter what it puts them in an awkward sad situation. Like feelin bad for never really seein your true feelins for you or for never returning it. Making them feel miserable and guilty.
Thats how I see it. None of that romance movie B.S. that they become new people releasing they actually did love you. But in reality they only love you now because of guilt. Thats how I see it.
True but still thats how I see it. Lol kinda morbid.

Kay Elizabeth said:
If someone loved me that died I would want to have known it and not spent the rest of my life wondering if they did or not. Because you can bet your bottom dollar they already have an inkling. :)

Anyway, you're dead after that. It's not like they'll dump their girlfriend for you. ;)

Viviana Arteaga said:
You know I wouldnt tell the person that I loved that I loved them. Because imagine this this person is in love with someone else and he/she have known you sees you only as a friend and when you tell them on your deathbed that you loved them always no matter what it puts them in an awkward sad situation. Like feelin bad for never really seein your true feelins for you or for never returning it. Making them feel miserable and guilty.
Thats how I see it. None of that romance movie B.S. that they become new people releasing they actually did love you. But in reality they only love you now because of guilt. Thats how I see it.
You both have good points. I wouldn't want someone to feel bad for me because they never knew I loved them, but I wouldn't expect them to drop their lives and mourn someone they never knew loved them. It's not like I'd expect him to feel sorry for me, though. But that's just my point of view.

Viviana Arteaga said:
True but still thats how I see it. Lol kinda morbid.

Kay Elizabeth said:
If someone loved me that died I would want to have known it and not spent the rest of my life wondering if they did or not. Because you can bet your bottom dollar they already have an inkling. :)

Anyway, you're dead after that. It's not like they'll dump their girlfriend for you. ;)

Viviana Arteaga said:
You know I wouldnt tell the person that I loved that I loved them. Because imagine this this person is in love with someone else and he/she have known you sees you only as a friend and when you tell them on your deathbed that you loved them always no matter what it puts them in an awkward sad situation. Like feelin bad for never really seein your true feelins for you or for never returning it. Making them feel miserable and guilty.
Thats how I see it. None of that romance movie B.S. that they become new people releasing they actually did love you. But in reality they only love you now because of guilt. Thats how I see it.
I would totally do that too.
Also, my last five minutes i would spend them writing a quick note...just typing down every single thought that is passing my head at that moment. I'd write my goodbyes and...that's probably it!

Callie Leah said:
I know what I WANT to do. I'd want to go up to Aaron Mercer, the cutest, sweetest, nicest boy ever, and tell him I've had a crush on him forever and all I want is to have my first kiss before I die, hoping he'll either feel sorry for me or like me back, and give me the one thing I want. But I couldn't do that. I live in Tennessee, and he lives in Texas. I love him, but he'll never know it. Even if I don't die for sixty more years.
A final note for the family to cherish is a good idea. By the time my computer fired up though, I'd have breathed my last LOL. I can't remember how to use a pen. ;)

Rowen Mahogany said:
I would totally do that too.
Also, my last five minutes i would spend them writing a quick note...just typing down every single thought that is passing my head at that moment. I'd write my goodbyes and...that's probably it!

Callie Leah said:
I know what I WANT to do. I'd want to go up to Aaron Mercer, the cutest, sweetest, nicest boy ever, and tell him I've had a crush on him forever and all I want is to have my first kiss before I die, hoping he'll either feel sorry for me or like me back, and give me the one thing I want. But I couldn't do that. I live in Tennessee, and he lives in Texas. I love him, but he'll never know it. Even if I don't die for sixty more years.
Can't blame ya. If I didn't have school, I'd be a total keyboard kid.

scribbler said:
A final note for the family to cherish is a good idea. By the time my computer fired up though, I'd have breathed my last LOL. I can't remember how to use a pen. ;)

Rowen Mahogany said:
I would totally do that too.
Also, my last five minutes i would spend them writing a quick note...just typing down every single thought that is passing my head at that moment. I'd write my goodbyes and...that's probably it!

Callie Leah said:
I know what I WANT to do. I'd want to go up to Aaron Mercer, the cutest, sweetest, nicest boy ever, and tell him I've had a crush on him forever and all I want is to have my first kiss before I die, hoping he'll either feel sorry for me or like me back, and give me the one thing I want. But I couldn't do that. I live in Tennessee, and he lives in Texas. I love him, but he'll never know it. Even if I don't die for sixty more years. ;)

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