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Who, in your life, has inspired you or is your idol or someone you look up to?

I look up to my Aunt and my youth pastors My Aunt is so caring for people its unreal. Shes always nice no matter what comes in her way and she deals with so much. My youth pastors are soo inspiring. To me, they are like my second parents. They are so forgiving, and caring. To me, they are perfect. They are great teachers and role models. So, who do you look up to?

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don't really have one...
That's a very good question. My mother has always been an inspiration to me. She's funny, very patient and extremely warmhearted. All my life I can count on the one hand how many times I've seen her truly angry. I wish I was half the woman she is! Unfortunately I inherited my dad's temperament and can get angry fast. But at least I know my faults! :)
Awh): I'm sorry to hear that. I think everyone should have someone to look up to. But then again, you can sorta be more of your very own person if you dont... theres some pros an cons to that lol(=

halim abdelrahman said:
don't really have one...
My mom would be like the third or fourth on my list. I'm just like my dad and hes bipolar... and i got the emotionally distraught side of him and my mom hates it so we dont get along all that well. We have a torn rope kind of relationship, but at least there is some kind of relationship right? Haha, im glad to hear you look up to your mom. Lots of people around where i live "have no connection" to their parents from around the ages 19 and 28. or mabe its just my family... hhm... (= haha.

scribbler said:
That's a very good question. My mother has always been an inspiration to me. She's funny, very patient and extremely warmhearted. All my life I can count on the one hand how many times I've seen her truly angry. I wish I was half the woman she is! Unfortunately I inherited my dad's temperament and can get angry fast. But at least I know my faults! :)

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