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Will this really be "2010: The Year We Make Contact"?

I see by the posting times that some of our members are already into 2010! Happy New Year to you all. I'll be joining you in the new decade in about 6 hours or so.

About my title question. Will it be as the movie promised, "2010: The Year We Make Contact"? That's what the 1984 sequel to the classic 2001: A Space Odyssey predicted. What do you see our chances are of verifiable alien contact?

2010 Trailer

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I'll be joining Big '010 in about 6 hours or so too.! :D
And about the chances, the same as the other years: completely random.! ^^
Dearest Scribbler,
I don't think the rapture is anywhere near, just yet. Suffice it to say, we have probably already made contact and just don't recognize it yet. They are out there. :)
Well, no one can really be sure of it. I mean, even if there are aliens out there, whose to say that they're smarter than we are and can create spaceships. They may just even be another race of humans. Maybe about three centuries or so ago, the N.A.S.A. program created a rocket to go to an unknown planet and it crahsed and they were to embarrassed to tell the world about it, and while they thought that the people on the ship died, they had actually landed on a planet with good oxygen levels and lived and forgotten about the whole incident and are living just like us wondering if there are other races out there. And why does everyone assume aliens are green, anyway? My point is, there's no way of knowing. For all we know, the aliens to us could actually be less technalogiclly advanced than humans. They may even be living in olden times like King Aurther!
LOL, good point Callie. Maybe they are just like humans: some smart, some dumb and the majority in the middle somewhere of that. I'll never be convinced that Roswell was a weather balloon though. The speed technology's advancing at, nothing would surprise me anymore. Contact in 2010? I'm on the fence.

Callie Leah said:
Well, no one can really be sure of it. I mean, even if there are aliens out there, whose to say that they're smarter than we are and can create spaceships. They may just even be another race of humans. Maybe about three centuries or so ago, the N.A.S.A. program created a rocket to go to an unknown planet and it crahsed and they were to embarrassed to tell the world about it, and while they thought that the people on the ship died, they had actually landed on a planet with good oxygen levels and lived and forgotten about the whole incident and are living just like us wondering if there are other races out there. And why does everyone assume aliens are green, anyway? My point is, there's no way of knowing. For all we know, the aliens to us could actually be less technalogiclly advanced than humans. They may even be living in olden times like King Aurther!
That wouldn't surprise me in the least, Mark. I find Project Blue Book intriguing. Its existence is proof positive that it's only the average citizen that doesn't recognize it. For our younger members : The US Air Force had kept all reported alien contact under wraps and investigated it for decades under the banner of Project Blue Book. This government study ran from 1952-1975 in secret. The Project Blue Book files are now released for public viewing.

Mark A. Santomieri said:
Dearest Scribbler,
I don't think the rapture is anywhere near, just yet. Suffice it to say, we have probably already made contact and just don't recognize it yet. They are out there. :)

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