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I"ve got one for you, If you could be president what would be the first thing you'd change?


Speaking for my self I would choose to have common everyday people in the house of representatives, and congress. Your down to earth blue collar workers, and farmers, As they I feel know the true needs of the people, and then just set down and discuss the best way to fix things in our country. Putting elderly care first and formost at the top of the list. Raising the pay scale for those who work in the nursing home faucilities, as they have a hard job, because our senior citizens deserve the best care they can recieve. I would make sure our nursing homes recieved the equipment, and supplies they need to offer the best care possible to those in their final years.

Next I would make sure our school systems had the needed funds to offer our children the best education available.

I would also look into ulternative energy and fuel sources promote clean air, step up recycling and preserve our natural forest, parks, and lakes for future generations.  And not just talk about it, but make it happen.

I would put a cap on fuel prices and get rid of the gas tax completely. Get to work repairing our highways and city streets, put people back to work. Empty buisnesses that are setting vacant I would turn these into homeless shelters and get people in out of the cold. Have soup kitchens within the shelters and offer the homeless jobs as well within these shelters.

I would also lower automobile prices to where your not having to pay a second morgage just to have a car to get you to work everyday. I would put a cap on the amount of rent a landlord could collect off a couple or single person. Until the economy emproves. Lower utility bills, and make it easier for people to own affordable homes. By lowering high interst rates and finance charges on home loans. These are just a few of the things I'd strive to get done. And bring our service men and women home. Tell other countrys they're going to have to take care of their own problems, and turn our attention to our countrys needs.

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the government system -.-"

"Alright maggots listen up, this is the new pecking order. You, the dirt, the worms in the dirt, my dog's stool, and ME. First off, it is now against federal law for any politician, mayor, senator, or any other government entity to identify as having any political leaning directly or indirectly."

Basically make it illegal for people to list themselves as republican or democratic. I'm sick and tired of people voting strictly because of the party they're in. That's not how voting works.



A party for the people, by the people, of the people, the way it was meant to be.
Politicians need to start serving us, instead of serving themselves with our hard earned money. We're the ones that gave them their jobs, so they could serve the people, instead they're lining their pockets with our money. The're out to take what little help senior citizens get away. And kick them to the curb as no longer productive citizens. Well these senior citizens were the ones who fought and died to keep our country free, they were the ones who raised us, cleaned our shitty diapers, and made sure we had an education, and were taught the golden rules. Now some of these politicians just want to shove them aside the way they did the Native Americans. "I know, lets place them in nursing homes, take all their money and belongings, then close down the nursing homes and let them starve to death. No wait we'll give just enough money to where they can decide rather they want food or medicene but we won't give them enough for both!
AMEN GARRY! If i was president I'd make sure gas prices were resonable! And try to make a nation were people were always helping other people. Thats the way its supposed to be. people were meant to help other people. And The government would be helping too, instead of "screwing", sorry for my talk, everyone else over.


I hear you brother! I remember an old movie sometime back where a man stuck his head out his apartment window and screamed at the top of his voice, "I"M MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!

I think it's gotten to that point with our government now, what this country needs is a government like we had when we first won our independence from the British.

Who was it that said, "what this country needs is a good enema." We need to clean house and start over from scratch, because the present system just is not working. Plants closing everywhere, people out of work, more homeless people now then ever before, fuel prices climbing more and more. People can't afford to mow their yards much less drive to work everyday. Seems instead of finding ways to help the economy, the government is trying their best to break it. Looks like the one world banking system foretold in the bible is closer then we know. They want to have total control of us, and they know if they control the money, the food, and the fuel, they'll have us in a strangle hold. Then comes the mark of the beast where no one will be able to buy, sell, or trade, unless they recieve the mark of the beast or a computer chip emplanted under our skin. Then they'll be able to track our every move, they've already started to do that with our GPS's and cell phones. We'll either submit to change, or we'll just disappear without a trace one day. It's coming and it's closer then we know.
I would take all the profits from Wall St and put them into free healthcare for all. How a society treats its poor and most vulnerable is the best judge of it someone famous once said. We're not looking after them at all.
I agree Scribbler, there needs to be a change in our country, get back to the fundementals. One Country under God with liberty and justice for all!

I would put people back to work. Give big businesses tax breaks to have their companies here in the USA. When people are working the country is working. As far as homes, I would make the monthly payments affordable, not a thousand dollars a month!!!Who can afford that? Some, but most can afford five to six hundred per month. Then everyon could buy a house. It would stop forclosures. As far as schools, I would give more money to education, but I would stop the wasting. I work in the schools and I see so much waste. Lights are on when no one is in the room. Book are being ruined. Paper used on only one side. The schools are afraid if they don,'t use the same amount of money, they did last year, thier funding will be cut, so they waste. The elderly deserve not to worry, they paid taxes all their lives. Helping the world is not a bad thing. Nor is helping the U.S. If you want to see bad, watch the documentary: Inside Job. I believe we need smart people in our goverment and also honest people, folks who are there to help the people not line their pockets. I don't believe farmers or blue collar workers are qualified nor do they want the job. They want the people we elect to do what they say. In closing, I believe we need Americans who love America. (That's shooting from the hip, don't you think???)


I'd like to change the election process, eliminating the need or fundraising. It makes those running for office too "beholden" to those who offer the most support.
Looking back when we first won our freedom from the British, it was farmers basically blue collar workers back then that rose up and won our freedom and set up government. God fearing men who believed in God and country. Might be surprised what common everyday farmers or blue collar workers could do. They've been on the common folk side of the fence so to speak, so who better to know how to keep things honest in government, and what priorities should come first? We've had movie stars, and Army generals in the white house, I guess basically using the idea of farmers and blue collar workers what I was getting at was common folk that weren't born with silver spoons in their mouths. But rather those who know what it's like to roll back their shirt sleeves and get their hands dirty basically. Those of us that have had to work in the trenches so to speak, unlike those born into wealth. Who've had everything handed to them on a silver plater all their lives.

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