Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

A seasoned writing coach discusses the basics of book cover design and invites readers to look at 25 outstanding book covers for ideas and analysis.

8 seconds. That's the amount of time a potential buyer views a book cover before looking away or looking deeper into the book. Since the cover conveys the first impression to the world, you must put on its finest face. Unless you are a graphic designer, this is not a do-it-yourself project. It's best left to the pros.

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I kind of agree with that, but then comparing my covers to the ones PA made, no contest. And it also comes down to cost again, everything is so expensive anymore, many people just can't afford it. But yes Lulu. did my first Werewolf fictional cover and did a nice job for sure, it came with the publishing package though. My wife found a clip art sight royalty free. Paid $5.00 for the image that's on my revised Rileyville mystery with the image of the house at night with the moon over head shining through the tree tops. And was able to enlarge the image to make it the front cover of my book. I simply love it! Really looks mysterious. And since the story line centers around this old house in town it was perfect. The Image PA had used was blurred and looked cartoonish, I was not happy. This one though, major improvement. But I agree if you can afford it have it done by a professional by all means go that route. But there is some beautiful art out there on these free clip art sights, there's a lot of crappy ones out there too. You just have to do some searching to weed out the bad from the good. Some cost more then others as well.

Drue "Dee" Miller ... June 18 @ 9:11 p.m.

I have published with PA, as well ... 3 novels.  PA did the first copy and I  hate it but ... with them ... you cannot change anything even though they tell you that you can within the first 48 hours.  My youngest daughter has done the covers for my next two books ... also published by PA (how stupid can I get?!?!?!) ... and they are beautiful.  Couldn't ask for a professional to do them as well as she does.  My 4th novel is ready to go ... cover by my daughter and all ... but I am VERY leary of publishing with PA again.  Does anyone out there have any better ideas?  I am getting ready to set up my own website ... etc... to sell them on my own but only hope that I can do it and get people to read my books.  I love to write and have been told that I am a good author.  HELP!!!!!!!!!! 





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