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Would all you Twilight fans buy the graphic novel as well as the books and movies? There's not long to wait.

Illustrated by Korean artist Young Kim with input from Meyer on every panel, the first volume of Twilight: the Graphic Novel will be published on 16 March. Its publisher said the black and white title, with colour interspersed throughout, would combine "a rare fusion of Asian and western comic techniques".

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I think it's safe to say that anything with even the most tenuous connection to Twilight will sell. It's like the Harry Potter craze all over again.
Except Harry Potter was way better but didn't get nearly as much buzz. I always thought the only reason people liked Twilight was because it describes "hot" guys. I mean, I like it becasue it's well written, but then again, I'm the only girl in my entire school who's either read, reading, or will read the book Gone With the Wind. Which is currently reading. Yay! I've been waiting for a chance to read that book forever! Sorry, off subject. I do that a lot.

Kay Elizabeth said:
I think it's safe to say that anything with even the most tenuous connection to Twilight will sell. It's like the Harry Potter craze all over again.
I'm positive That would become freaken as famous as the movies, especially with the fact most of the twilight fans being manga "geeks" if you'd call them that. ESPECIALLY at my school.
I've read graphic novels too myself, years ago. I'm surprised to hear manga and Twilight fans have that kind of crossover. I know a few manga fans that don't have a good word to say about Twilight.

Manga until now hasn't been in the same category as graphic novels. Manga are Japanese. It will be interesting to see what shelf the bookstores put this on.

Betty Damil said:
I'm positive That would become freaken as famous as the movies, especially with the fact most of the twilight fans being manga "geeks" if you'd call them that. ESPECIALLY at my school.

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