Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

As this is the Marketing and Promotion section, I think we should help ourselves out here first! Show off your blog or website and get feedback on it. If you dare. :)

It can be great to have fresh eyes look at what you're doing and see if there are any new ideas to be shared that would help drive traffic and/or increase sales.

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My website is http://AnnaLWalls.weebly.ocm - There I've posted the synopses for most of my books. There's also a little widget where you can read a sample of my book and the reviews it has received.

My blog is - There I generally post samples of my writing from my different books, though that's not all I post there. The same widget for reading a sample of my book is here too. Recently I've started a blog novel on a second tab. THE FORTUNES OF MAGIC - look for the link under the fish tank. Give a little attention to my cat too.

That said, I'd really appreciate any suggestions.
I do not have either a blog or a website at this time, however I am planning to get a website. Do you have any suggestions on how and where to start?
I discovered It's free, which was a real winner for me. I think will take you there just fine but if not, go to mine and there's a link at the bottom of the page. It's really simple and you control it yourself. If I can help you with anything, let me know. I'm not all that knowledgeable but I'm learning.

Blogger is free too and also simple. On my blog, up in the upper right hand corner there a link called 'Create Blog'. That will allow you to make one of your own.

C. A. Lofton said:
I do not have either a blog or a website at this time, however I am planning to get a website. Do you have any suggestions on how and where to start?
Okay, I take the dare. I just finished the first round of redeveloping my 3 year old website about an hour ago. Have loads more to do: need to change the design of my blog, and add a lot of content. But it's a step in the right direction, I hope. My main concern is the About page. I took the risk of using a testimony from a friend, and I'm worried that some might think it's egotistical. I was advised to use it by a web consultant with a lots of experience with writers. I do know that we have to do everything we can to maximise our potential of self publicity. But I'd truly appreciate honest feedback.

My website is

Thanks for the opportunity! Keith
Oh, and by the way, I design and build my websites myself - I'd be willing to help people out if they want to try it themselves. If you have little html/css experience, though, I'd strongly recommend you either hire a web-designer, or chose a service with lots of good templates. Cheers, Keith
Looks very nice. It took me a while to find the link to your blog. I confess that I only read the cover page of your website, very nice by the way. On your blog, I loved the pictures but might I suggest that you make the text a little bigger. It really is quite tiny, and though I could read it, it was off-putting for me, and someone who already has problems reading small print might not be able to read it at all. Good luck with your book, and your life.

Take care

brokenwhole said:
Okay, I take the dare. I just finished the first round of redeveloping my 3 year old website about an hour ago. Have loads more to do: need to change the design of my blog, and add a lot of content. But it's a step in the right direction, I hope. My main concern is the About page. I took the risk of using a testimony from a friend, and I'm worried that some might think it's egotistical. I was advised to use it by a web consultant with a lots of experience with writers. I do know that we have to do everything we can to maximise our potential of self publicity. But I'd truly appreciate honest feedback.

My website is

Thanks for the opportunity! Keith

I am working on getting this website completed it is pretty much in tact and I also have a bit of a preview to my book there. anyone interested in looking at it is certainly welcome to do so.
Please, please, please don't be angry with me. I too published through AuthorHouse. I read your first paragraph and it made me wonder if you had it edited. I know AuthorHouse requires it, so I was amazed to see so many errors. I don't think I saw a single comma in the entire entry, and some of the sentences were quite awkward. And the names: Mithradier I think will always be connected to Gandalf for anyone who has read Lord of the Rings (forgive me if this is indeed the case) and Sylvin is the name of the elven race. Perhaps if you weren't writing about Mages and such, these names would be less noticeable, but I kept expecting Gandalf to show up. Granted, I only read the first paragraph, but still.

Again, please don't be angry with me. I hunger for such feedback on my own work all the time.

Willing to help

Sean Falconer said:

I am working on getting this website completed it is pretty much in tact and I also have a bit of a preview to my book there. anyone interested in looking at it is certainly welcome to do so.
Anna, thanks so much for taking a look. Yes, you're completely right about the problem on the blog, and that's my next job. A lot of people have complained! It's on blogger, not my website, and I'm trying to find the right template - not particularly impressed - they don't seem to have three column templates! Eventually, I'm switching over to Wordpress - when I get a little spare time, if ever :)

Thanks for taking a look, once again. I appreciate it! Cheers, Keith
Thank you for the imput I forgot to mention that the part that is on the site was not edited but the finished manuscript was. I apreciate the imput on the names of the characters as well I used the name Sylvin as a character because every online game I have ever played and there has been more than a few I have used that name Sylvin Nightshade. the name Mithradier I got from another character a friend alsways used I have read the tolkien books and honestly had not considered that it had been used as one of gandalfs names I do see where your comming from there. Thank you for your imput and I don't get mad I take all advice and constructive criticism with an open mind.

Anna L. Walls said:
Please, please, please don't be angry with me. I too published through AuthorHouse. I read your first paragraph and it made me wonder if you had it edited. I know AuthorHouse requires it, so I was amazed to see so many errors. I don't think I saw a single comma in the entire entry, and some of the sentences were quite awkward. And the names: Mithradier I think will always be connected to Gandalf for anyone who has read Lord of the Rings (forgive me if this is indeed the case) and Sylvin is the name of the elven race. Perhaps if you weren't writing about Mages and such, these names would be less noticeable, but I kept expecting Gandalf to show up. Granted, I only read the first paragraph, but still.

Again, please don't be angry with me. I hunger for such feedback on my own work all the time.

Willing to help

Sean Falconer said:

I am working on getting this website completed it is pretty much in tact and I also have a bit of a preview to my book there. anyone interested in looking at it is certainly welcome to do so.
It's not in the template. It's in your post box. Select edit your post, then in the box, select all of the text. Under the 'compose' tab there a double T. I think I usually use the 'normal' setting. Anyway, I always forget so I go back and forth a time or two, just to make sure the post looks the way I like.

brokenwhole said:
Anna, thanks so much for taking a look. Yes, you're completely right about the problem on the blog, and that's my next job. A lot of people have complained! It's on blogger, not my website, and I'm trying to find the right template - not particularly impressed - they don't seem to have three column templates! Eventually, I'm switching over to Wordpress - when I get a little spare time, if ever :)

Thanks for taking a look, once again. I appreciate it! Cheers, Keith
I have done way too much editing of my own work over the years, and even more since I got internet (only last April). I can hardly read a book anymore without such thing jumping out at me. That does sound like my kind of book though. All the luck.

Sean Falconer said:
Thank you for the imput I forgot to mention that the part that is on the site was not edited but the finished manuscript was. I apreciate the imput on the names of the characters as well I used the name Sylvin as a character because every online game I have ever played and there has been more than a few I have used that name Sylvin Nightshade. the name Mithradier I got from another character a friend alsways used I have read the tolkien books and honestly had not considered that it had been used as one of gandalfs names I do see where your comming from there. Thank you for your imput and I don't get mad I take all advice and constructive criticism with an open mind.

Anna L. Walls said:
Please, please, please don't be angry with me. I too published through AuthorHouse. I read your first paragraph and it made me wonder if you had it edited. I know AuthorHouse requires it, so I was amazed to see so many errors. I don't think I saw a single comma in the entire entry, and some of the sentences were quite awkward. And the names: Mithradier I think will always be connected to Gandalf for anyone who has read Lord of the Rings (forgive me if this is indeed the case) and Sylvin is the name of the elven race. Perhaps if you weren't writing about Mages and such, these names would be less noticeable, but I kept expecting Gandalf to show up. Granted, I only read the first paragraph, but still.

Again, please don't be angry with me. I hunger for such feedback on my own work all the time.

Willing to help

Sean Falconer said:

I am working on getting this website completed it is pretty much in tact and I also have a bit of a preview to my book there. anyone interested in looking at it is certainly welcome to do so.


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