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I'm deliberately leaving that question very open ended.

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Passion, commitment, and imagination. Each of which are important and if one is missing the others are useless to the aspiring writer.
Character development, aversion of tropes, and being able to brutally deconstruct the genre on a mere whim. Those are the signs of a good writer.
Imagination and flair for writing makes a good writer.
I beleive you are all right but I also think a good writer is disturbed, has personel issues, opinionated, argue mental and sometimes over drinks at social parties and lets not forget that huge ego.  I like writers, they always got something to say, trouble makers  :-)
I think it's commitment and the ability to make your characters seem real :)

A good writer will always find his characters are talked about. Think Count Dracula, James Bond, The Artful Doger,Long John Silver, Captain Nemo, Sherlock Holmes, and many other characters.


By contrast a bad writer will find himself discussed.

Fancy using 'just' in the wrong place, nobody ever uses such wooden dialogue, why so many repeated words, why the overstating of the obvious, and so on and so forth.


Golly!  I would agree with you about the huge ego, but the rest.  Nah.  :)

Matt T. Schott said:
I beleive you are all right but I also think a good writer is disturbed, has personel issues, opinionated, argue mental and sometimes over drinks at social parties and lets not forget that huge ego.  I like writers, they always got something to say, trouble makers  :-)

I would add that a good writer can take criticism, not ask for a critique and then go hide in a cave!

I would also add that writing a novel is kind like finding yourself in a marathon that lasts for a lot longer than you think.  You need to maintain that focus.  

This is so true. For a long time I had left my imaginary world alone to live in what I thought was real, but found out that my imaginary world was more real to me. That imaginary world for me was a land where I was full of energy, enthusiasm, and creativity. There is a movie that really speaks about this, it is called "The Never Ending Story". I believe that we are all living in a never ending story that everyone else is reading and then becoming part of that story themselves. We only lose this as we give up on our hopes and dreams, leaving us "the nothing".

Rege Schilken said:

Hello Scribbler!

I think a good writer has the ability to live in an imaginary world and then describe it in words.

rege schilken

Very true.

Cleveland W. Gibson said:

A good writer will always find his characters are talked about. Think Count Dracula, James Bond, The Artful Doger,Long John Silver, Captain Nemo, Sherlock Holmes, and many other characters.


By contrast a bad writer will find himself discussed.

Fancy using 'just' in the wrong place, nobody ever uses such wooden dialogue, why so many repeated words, why the overstating of the obvious, and so on and so forth.


I also think that a good character is not only memorable, but identifiable with someone we know. Whether it is an intimate relationship or a very distant one, good characters remind us people we interact with all the time.
Depth, feelings and a way to touch with words...enough experience to imagine, and enough imagination to create something new...that's what makes a good writer!

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