Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

I have been writing since the time I learnt to construct sentences...I have several newspaper publications, but now, I want to publish a book. Any ideas, how?

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I'll try this again if the page will load?

Your best bet while seeking an agent is to self publish on your book will be on amazon site within seven days, if you up load your book on amazon kindle it will be on amazon within three days or less. You'll still hold rights to your books, then you can continue to seek an agent if you wish to go that route. But meanwhile you'll be published and out there on the internet sights. Best of luck! Garry E. Lewis
Wow this sounds super cool! Thank you so much Garry :)

Garry Edward Lewis said:
I'll try this again if the page will load?

Your best bet while seeking an agent is to self publish on your book will be on amazon site within seven days, if you up load your book on amazon kindle it will be on amazon within three days or less. You'll still hold rights to your books, then you can continue to seek an agent if you wish to go that route. But meanwhile you'll be published and out there on the internet sights. Best of luck! Garry E. Lewis
Writer's Market! But it! Read it! Learn what you need then get an agent and or a publisher. Then most of all PRAY...
:) thank u

Robert L. Allen said:
Writer's Market! But it! Read it! Learn what you need then get an agent and or a publisher. Then most of all PRAY...
Type error Buy it...You're welcome.
Are they legitimate or do they want you to pay for the publishing. If so, you might as well self publish with someone you choose.

Bryan K. Osborne said:
 I guess I was lucky I submitted a book to Ingram and they want to publish it, but would it be better for me to do it myself?

I came across Yorkshire Publishing who offer a variety of options. It is worth taking a look to see what is about before you leap into self publishing.

Good luck


Check what you hope to write. Does the idea stand up to scrutiny? It there enough content for a book?What kind of book? Identify the genre. Often that helps in creating a good title. When you've some answers to those questions you need to ask a person you can trust about your idea for a book. Might I suggest you write about Calcutta. There exists a mass of interesting information connected to the city. Take a few  characters and drop them into the city. Explore their daily life and how their paths might cross with consequences. A policeman who does night duty; a nurse in a hospital; an old Brit who longs for the gone Empire days , the workmen who have changed their occupations, the modern computer expert all will have stories to tell. It is pulling in those threads and seeing what picture they assemble that makes the finished canvas.

A writer always needs an agent.

In turn the agent expects to read an error free MS.

And then luck comes into the equation, especially when agents start asking about your 'platform.'

To publish ou'll need to have everything in place, waiting for that piece of luck to come your wa.


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