Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
It has to be done, surely? With the end of Harry Potter, now that the last film has been released in cinemas across the world, what are peoples opinions on a series that spans more than a decade?
Were you a fan of the books?
Were you a fan of the films?
What do you think of JKRowlings writing... could she turn her hat to something outside the Potter universe?
Just curious what people's thought are...
IMO. I have reservations because I'm a teacher, author and live in the Cotswolds. My reply to you might be with another question based on the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.
Were you a fan of the books?No. Wrong age group and I read only the first book. IMO
Were you a fan of the films? Only of the first film, as I'd read only the first book. IMO
What do you think of JKRowlings writing... could she turn her hat to something outside the Potter universe?
She can and has written other stuff within her writing club. She has also written poetry. Trouble is with her name on the book people swoon, especially journalist and the public. Might be more interesting if you asked if her phone was tapped .IMO
Yes... I am a fan.
Clever series and clever use of the imagination. She has a hard work ethic and tenacity, the hall marks of every great author. My only querry is about the sutablility of the books (described as childrens books) for the younger readers. The more scary parts upset my kids so we have decided we will wait until they are much older before we explore the whole series together. Anyway we are having too much fun with our own series...
Jk has said that she could write more to the potter universe but she won't. Its disappointing but in a way good, it leaves a lot to the fans to expand and use their own imagination to adapt what seems will fit with that world, as many fans have done in fan fictions. I am a fan of both the books and movies! JK would do magnificently in other writings. I love the way she writes!
And there is always Pottermore coming out soon! Which I am dieing for!!
Were you a fan of the books? No. Wrong age group and I read only the first book.
Wrong age group? Let me tell you about one of my favorite shows right now... Yes I'm serious.
I was a fan of the books but I didn't like the films too much. The first movie captured the setting perfectly and the second one was excellent, but the movies went downhill from then on.
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