Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
A traditional book tour is an excellent way to connect with readers on an individual level, but often, the costs and time required to take a physical tour are prohibitive to self-published authors. Don't dismay! A virtual book tour can be completed at little to no cost, from the comfort of your couch.
On a virtual book tour, an author gives an interview or guest-writes for a blog with the assistance of the blog's owner. Such a tour can give current and new readers an insider's look at how your book came to life, while simultaneously creating sales opportunities. If you're ready to take your book on a tour of the information superhighway, here are a few tips for getting started.Read more here.
Virtual book tours have become really common now over the last few years Larry and it's great exposure. Also with the social media backing where you can post about it and retweet it, talk about it on Facebook etc, and your followers can do the same by passing it onto their followers etc etc. It can reach corners you wouldn't have imagined.
The best thing is that all you really are putting into it is time rather than cash the way you would have to if you were to for example go to a trade show and set up a stand. If an author can write a book they can sure write a few articles or interview Q and A's as part of the tour to help promote it. :)
I would be interested in doing this, but being new, is it too soon?
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