Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

I'd like to start this off so we can all get to know each other a little better. :) My name's Kay Elizabeth. Really the whole craft of writing interests me which makes it hard for me to put my interests in a category. :)

Creative writing is my first love! I also enjoy working on my website at The Cuckleburr Times when I have a spare minute. I've dabbled in writing poetry and a children's story too over the years and right now my interests lie in book reviews.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all! :)

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Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm scribbler and love to both write and read when I get the chance. I enjoy meeting new people too so am looking forward to being here and talking about books.
Hi, it will be fun getting to know other writers and sharing thoughts about our passions for reading and writing.

My interest in writing or reading lies in mystery and crime, these are fascinating topics and ones I spend a lot of time writing about and researching. This is research that let you try and unravel some of the mysteries that others have not been able to figure out, like a giant puzzle.

While mystery and crime are not for everyone I enjoy it, whether it is from today or hundreds of years in the past.

Hello, my mane is Sandra and while I am a full time writer my true passion lies in history, although there is not a lot of call for it in today’s writing world. I could spend every day in dusty old libraries learning about the past.

I also have several websites that are related to history that I try to work in as time permits and I also have some published works and others that are waiting for me to get back to them.

It will be a pleasure getting to know the writers here and sharing thoughts and ideas.
Hey everyone, my name is Andrew. I'm trying to get my foot in the door as a Writer, of any kind, Journalism, Articles, Novels, anything. I spend a lot of my free time typing up random short stories that pop into my head every so often and the rest of the time I spend reading. I've had a wild crazy imagination ever since I was younger and I guess that's why I really like to read and write Fiction, Science Fiction, and Fantasy, though I'll read just about anything.
I'm hoping to find a job soon so I can afford to put myself through College and get some more experience under my belt and get myself at least ready for a job as a Writer.
Hey all!! I'm Viviana or Vivi. I didnt really get into writing until I was in six grade but I started my awesome mind movie reading adventure in third grade!! I've been on a big block but my dream is to have at least one published book that can inspire someone or just bring great entertainment.
Hey! I'm Cheryl... am looking forward to meeting some like minded people!

I love to read and write anything remotely romantic I'm afraid... although I do also like to read funny books or a good mystery ( as long as it isn't too scary!) I'm at university and writing is my escape I guess.

I've written a lot of poetry but recently started writing short stories too.
Cheryl, I'm delighted to see you come along. :) Bring your writing buddies too! Why add "I'm afraid" there to your comment about romance? It's a very popular genre. I read a romance book recently for the first time in decades and was pleasantly surprised by how much it's changed.

It's great to see everyone responding and telling a bit about themselves. Thanks for doing that!

Cheryl said:
Hey! I'm Cheryl... am looking forward to meeting some like minded people!
I love to read and write anything remotely romantic I'm afraid... although I do also like to read funny books or a good mystery ( as long as it isn't too scary!) I'm at university and writing is my escape I guess.
I've written a lot of poetry but recently started writing short stories too.
Hi Kay! I think we've already met, but this is a good topic to post. I love writing books and feel that everyone should too. Poetry is one of my favorite things to write about. I don't mean to brag, but everyone says I'm pretty good. It's really nice to meet others who share a passion for books! I look forward to getting to know you all!
Hi! I'm Alex (Alexandra Davis)! I'm a 'young writer' been writing for three years, which is a lot to me. I write about anything, pretty much, exceot comedy, can't write comedy, but I'm based around horror/romance/fantasy. I also write poems, and I read, I hope I get to know more about you and stuff :)

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