Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Linda Sivertsen is an award-winning author and ghostwriter, whose 6- 7-figure book deals have been covered in the national media and hit the New York Times list. I was excited when she agreed to share her insights with all you aspiring and experienced published authors.
Fear is a killer.
It kills hopes.
It kills dreams.
It kills careers.
It kills relationships.
In a flash, it killed my parents.
It almost killed me.
Are you hooked? Good. That was the whole point. Life coach Rhonda Britten and I used the most tragic moment of her life--the murder/suicide of her parents when she was fourteen--to open her book proposal. It worked; grabbing editors and making them want to read on, in a hurry. First through the end of her hook page, and then into the play-by-play riveting Overview section. Within hours, nine of the biggest publishing imprints in New York were bidding like wildfire on her book, Fearless Living. It soon sold around the world, on the strength of that proposal.
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