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What is considered the best type of writer's discussion group?

I have been in three writer's groups and all are basically ladies. I have no problem with ladies but would like to see more men in these groups. Have any of your men attended a group of at least equal sexes involved?

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Hey Thomas, I guess ladies love to gossip and are more creative, therefore writing is a good release. Don't all you ladies jump at me now. There are blokes here and we are just as good. lol
You are probably correct about that. I know that we need to have agood forum of writing that have some good male thoughts.

You are a brave man Thomas.  I really don't notice gender on these discussions but thats probably because I have 2 older sisters that taught me equality and how to duck from a swinging claw.  Do you find the discuusions on the site gender bias? 

Jock I've been in construction for 27 years and you are right about men and gossip.  I took notes one day at a construction site and couldn't stop laughing.  I was going to write a sitcom, "The construction Site" or "You Can't Make this S--t up"

I agree Matt, i have often fell of my chair laughing....
If you want to see more male writers in these parts, there's a easy solution. Why don't you invite any along that you know? The Invite tab is right there at the top row. It couldn't be any easier. :)
My problem is we are in a new area, meeting some new folks, but so far no male writers. I attempted to form one thorugh the library but ended up with an English tutor and an Editor, neither of which seemed to find the time to attend.....bad situation. There are no groups at the local library and I am going to attempt to teach a writing class at our local RSVP in October; hopefully will find some interested folks there.

scribbler said:
If you want to see more male writers in these parts, there's a easy solution. Why don't you invite any along that you know? The Invite tab is right there at the top row. It couldn't be any easier. :)
I don't know about the gossiping, but I know that I have attended and been a part of three groups and being the only permanent male attendee can be a bit awkward at times.

Jock Brocas said:
Hey Thomas, I guess ladies love to gossip and are more creative, therefore writing is a good release. Don't all you ladies jump at me now. There are blokes here and we are just as good. lol

Never had any sisters so don't know the situation. It is not a gender thing necessarily, but it is good to have another man or two in the groups where I have been the only guy there. Trying to find men that write is not easy in small towns.
Matt T. Schott said:

You are a brave man Thomas.  I really don't notice gender on these discussions but thats probably because I have 2 older sisters that taught me equality and how to duck from a swinging claw.  Do you find the discuusions on the site gender bias? 

Jock I've been in construction for 27 years and you are right about men and gossip.  I took notes one day at a construction site and couldn't stop laughing.  I was going to write a sitcom, "The construction Site" or "You Can't Make this S--t up"

Ok- before you all yell at me... I know "men" only... Can I just input one thing.... You men gossip more then any woman ever could!  I'm a police officer - I work with a lot of men... I would have never believed it if I had not seen it - but you guys are hysterical when you start to gossip and talk about "people" and what they are up to. Enjoy your group men!! I hope you all get what you want out of it - I'll stay out now.  Cheers!

Thomas J Ault said:
I don't know about the gossiping, but I know that I have attended and been a part of three groups and being the only permanent male attendee can be a bit awkward at times.

Jock Brocas said:
Hey Thomas, I guess ladies love to gossip and are more creative, therefore writing is a good release. Don't all you ladies jump at me now. There are blokes here and we are just as good. lol
no reason to stay out stacey, i agree with you and to be honest we all know that behind every good man is a strong woman.

Jock Brocas said:
no reason to stay out stacey, i agree with you and to be honest we all know that behind every good man is a strong woman.
Yes men gossip, women gossip, teen agers gossip....we all do from time to time, but that is not my concern. I would just like to be able to sit in a group that was shared by men and women....have you ladies considered how you might feel if your group were all men and you were the only lady present?? Think about it..

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