Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Hi all

I'm amazed at the commitment and dedication it takes to sit down and actually write a book or novel. It's something I've dream of, but I don't have the courage to actually do. However, I do have certain skills, and those are in the field of design. If you're looking for a cover design, I'd love the opportunity to help out.

I've also attached some samples to this post.

Please have a look at my website,

Take care

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That was thoughtful of you and thanks for your honesty. I appreciate you taking the time to do that! :)
Interesting stuff... How about for children's books?

Hi Sean

Sure, depending on the requirements. The costs would vary depending on the complexity of any illustration required. I'm not really an illustrator myself, but I do know people who are great with that kind of thing, who I can get involved if necessary.


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