Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
How many of you have multiple works in progress? Are they all the same genre? How do you divide your time between them?
Currently, I have 4 WIP's.... sounds like alot huh? Right now I am thinking that too! As my second book just went back to my publisher for the formatting (after 13 hours of editing, my eyes are still crossed) I find myself looking at all the projects I have in the works.
One project is about half way through - but I had come up with a snag in the plot and I got frustrated so I put it on the back burner. Recently, as I find myself mulling over the issue, I think I found the way to work through my snag... but.... There is a more recent project that I started that I was working hard on. As soon as I figured out how to work through the other issue, I lost my train of thought on the new one.
Then there is the other book that I am working on with another author. Now that one is a huge project that will be in the making for a long time, but we are throwing ideas back and forth and running plot ideas and twists back and forth.
Then there is book 3 of my series (the second book is about to be published). After reading book 2 - and coming back to those characters I find myself running that plot hard and heavy in my mind. Conversations and characters building....
I'm at a loss right now as to exactly what I should be working on. I think I have so many things in the works that I am befuddled as to which one to go to next.
Anyone else get themselves in this situations? How do you work through them?
Stacy I completely know where you're at as I too have multiple projects going on. I'm working hard on my 2nd book in the Deadly Series, I have a paranormal romance series, a serial killer series and a romance/cowboy series all in progress at the moment. I'm also doing marketing for my first book, making connections, getting my name out there and arranging book signings so I feel the pressure of too many things weighing heavily on me as well. Do I need to do all these things at once? No, that'd be crazy. But can I stop myself from constantly brain storming scenes/characters/plots on all of my series at different times of the day. Nope, can't do that either!
I think it's great to have many projects in the works at once especially since we as writers tend to get burned out when we stay with one particular project for too long (my eyes get crossed too!) If there's a better way to do things I'd love to hear it as well!!!
Amy.. lol.... you so understand!!! Thank God I am not the only one. My series is a paranormal suspense romance series - one of my other books is an action/romance book (not paranormal), but wait you know that you read the first book!!!! the third one is a fictional book about the domestic violence and then there is the book I am working out with the other author that is going to be a very dark, gritty suspense crime novel. There are two things that are consistent in these books - they all have one of the main characters are a police officer - and that character is a woman. Other then that - they are all sooo different.
The last month I have been doing a lot of marketing for the first book and starting the promotion of the second book. Plus - I also work a full time job that has been beyond demanding these days - a brother who is going through a midlife nervous breakdown - aging parents - a daughter in 3rd grade - a business and a husband who looks at me and says, "Do I know you?" lol.... I just figured out why I am writing so much.. I'm trying to escape my life!!!! lol....
Oh my gosh it's like we're twins! (well, minus the mid life crisis brother and aging parents. my husband gives me the same look and I have a 2nd and 3rd grader so hah, I beat ya there!) Luckily I work part time at my job in a medical office but it still seems like I don't have enough time to write. Would love to be able to write full time *wistful sigh* but then i'd probably complain that I still didn't have enough time.
I love it that you are sticking with the strong female police officer persona, you excelled in that with My Blood Runs Blue. Stick with what you know, right? :0) Are you on twitter? I've been a twittering fool these days it seems like, you can find me at!/AmyManemann. Ok seriously, I'm signing off and getting some writing done. Have a great night!!
Join the club Stacy. I have resently finished my first book and I'm revising my query and synopsis. Thus far I sent out to one publisher and four agents and have gotten back one rejection. My second book in the series is on hold, however I have written five or six chapters. About a month ago I took a nap on a Saturday afternoon and dreamed my third book. I woke up and started writing. I'm six chapters in. It's coming to quick to do anything else. I'm trying to revise as I go so I can get back to the second book. Sorry, but I had to chuckle when I read you edited for 13 hours. My first book, I revised hundreds of hours. And yes, I write until my eyes give out too. I have even written through migraines, which isn't as fun. Perhaps, you could go with what is most in your head and run with it. Forget about all the other projects (for now). Sometimes I'll write a poem to get away for a while. The olny problem I'm having is I think they're good enough to publish. I don't want to go down that road just now. Maybe later. lol Hang in there...
Amy - My "twin" lol.... I found you on twitter!!! Easy to write about what you know too...
Robert - Kept those poems all together - sooner or later you will be publishing them!!! Those 13 hours of edits were just corrections from my editor. Lots of little red marks for comma's, periods, caps and rearranging the sentence structure. I love the fact that you dreamed your story.... While I am driving around at work - my characters talk to me in my car, lol..
I'm glad to see that there are a few people out there that can't keep their minds quiet either and have lots on the fire! Makes me feel more sane. lol...
Yay Catherine and Robert, welcome to the multi tasking club! lol It's so nice to know I'm not the only crazy person who has characters and plots constantly on the brain.
Catherine you are such a busy gal, I promise not to whine too much about the load I have to carry! ;0)
Catherine - I tell myself that the hours I work overtime each pay period are devoted to spending on books. So I get a bit of fun money to spend reading.... Anything to calm the mind after a couple of stressful days!
Amy - Really enjoying the book! Now - I am going to grab a quick bit to eat - turn off the computer and turn on the kindle to read more!
I'm still trying to figure out which story I should be working
Ha ha, we are all just a little bit mad eh? I keep telling myself I will turn off the computer and pick up my book to read before bed, yet here I am, still bashing keys and it's way past midnight, and I really should get some sleep while the baby does...
Stacy - So glad you're enjoying it! Don't work too hard ;0)
Catherine - Go to bed you silly girl, you gotta sleep when the baby does lol I know what you mean though, it's like we have a one track mind that has a hard time turning off.
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