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What is considered the best type of writer's discussion group?

I have been in three writer's groups and all are basically ladies. I have no problem with ladies but would like to see more men in these groups. Have any of your men attended a group of at least equal sexes involved?

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Thomas - I'm not a good judge on that one. As I stated before, I work in law enforcement so me being in a room with a bunch of men is standard practice. They don't generally see me a woman, just person sitting at the table.  I can understnad how beneficial it would be for men to have a group of their own. You all do view things in a different way, known fact. I enjoy reading books written by men for just that reason.

Thomas J Ault said:
Yes men gossip, women gossip, teen agers gossip....we all do from time to time, but that is not my concern. I would just like to be able to sit in a group that was shared by men and women....have you ladies considered how you might feel if your group were all men and you were the only lady present?? Think about it..

Soon I will have a new one out entitled, "Moving West, as told by Gilbert Clock". I started a trilogy about narrations made by my 1879 clock since its beginning in June of that year. It is not a exciting bang,bang type book but more one that reflects family value and history during the periods of time...the first one was done too quickly and I was in too much of a hurry to publish it, however several people have enjoyed it..the new one is better written than "Every Hour Counts" but is a continuation of it.


The one you may enjoy and be able to  pick apart probably, is "The Incident."  I hope that you get one of them to read and give me some feedback..they are on Amazon and you can also order them from my website which is (the latest is not out yet, it is being reviewed at this time for publishing and should be out in the next week to ten days.


Thank you for your input. I appreciate your thoughts.


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