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While They Sit Back
Copyright © 10/2011 by W.J. O'Neil
While they sit back in their kingdom
And count up all their wealth
Most of us are hungry
And more are in poor health
While they sit back in their kingdom
And decide what should be law
Most of us are not aware
They're protected from it all
While they sit back in their kingdom
And raise taxes for their fun
Because of all their loopholes
They pay little or pay none
While they sit back in their kingdom
And take from all the aged
They say they have the right to
And we've no right to be enraged
While they sit back in their kingdom
And live without a care
To them what matters least right now
Are those that put them there
While they sit back in their kingdom
And cater to their kind
The debt they put our country in
Is hardly on their mind
While they sit back in their kingdom
They refuse to understand
The patriots of this nation
Are preparing for a stand
While they sit back in their kingdom
They will see it come to pass
The patriots of this nation
Will unite to kick their ***
While they sit back in their kingdom
And count up all their wealth
Most of us are hungry
And more are in poor health
Thanks for your note. I read it . Thanks for that again.
I also returned to read your poem. I enjoyed the sentiments.
A good mirror to my own , and the thoughts of others.
But sometimes , in the case of poetry, comes a kind
of revolution , something that catches our eye and we
stand firm to express the thought that must be said.
Your poem is about that sense of integrity. Hand on
heart we need to say certain things otherwise how
might people know?
Now I'm sure you'd love it if somebody said with a
little light edit you can publish your poem. So how
to transform what you've written to a higher level.
At the top of the page I quoted your first verse.
You might study it again. Ask yourself can it be
made to look not 'easy' and if it can then how
might that happen? A usual way is to read through
one line at a time and 'copy,line and edit.' When
that is done it is always surprising what gems can
lurk within our own writing waiting to be discovered.
So, with your permission:
While they sit back in their kingdom(while is a 'soft' word. Change to As; and 'sit back' reads as 'govern')
And count up all their wealth(delete 'And count' try 'Counting' as it is dynamic)
Most of us are hungry(Try:Forget us eternal hungry)
And more are in poor health(Ignore more in dismal health)
I'll leave you to work through the balance and with a light edit I'm sure you'll bet your poem published. Best wishes and good luck.
(November plug: 'Enduring Freedom' poetry anthology
for UK soldiers suffering from COMBAT STRESS.
Poetry award winner 2011 ,
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