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Written By: F. John Surells

Since Part One of this discussion has appeared in print, I’ve not unexpectedly received both favorable and unfavorable comments concerning it; and I’ll not respond to either of them. But I will reply to a punctuation concern that was apparently created by it. Why didn’t the words forty and six have a hyphen between them as is customary in the English language? Well, I’d challenge anyone to have more respect for the fashion in which our native tongue has evolved to its current state, yet, we’d better change some of our ways and our national leadership, else we may all be speaking Spanish in the years to come.
Frankly, President Forty Six doesn’t deserve to have his title hyphenated given what he’s done to our nation. And as we continue to be bombarded by political ads in these last days before our national elections, we’re being told a lot of things by a lot of people, but one undisputable fact outweighs, or dare we say trumps them all, i.e. President Forty Six failed at the one presidential responsibility which supersedes all others. He failed to protect the American populace from external invaders.
And thus, in the years that will now transpire, upcoming generations will suffer because of the deluge of illegal trespassers whom Forty Six allowed to infiltrate our nation. And President Forty-Seven, if it should be the near-Communist put forth by the Democratic Party, will do nothing to rid us of these people; indeed she’ll probably allow yet millions more to invade us. But, if America elects the correct candidate as President Forty-Seven, then American writers will be literally able to honor that decision with proper hyphenation, and the nation as a whole will display its deepest gratitude.
But the Democratic Party no doubt allowed massive numbers of foreigners to enter the U.S. in the expectation that these “new Americans” would keep it in power for many years, and perhaps even doom the Republican Party. Already today we’ve seen some members (who actually must have been political imposters for many years) of the conservative party say they’ll vote for a candidate whom, while she was in the U.S. Senate, had the most radical left-wing voting record of all the occupants of that legislative body at that time. And some military “big-wigs” have apparently also endorsed her; evidently they feel they’ll be able to boss her around should she become President. And yes, presidential weakness is the perception she’ll inspire amongst America’s enemies. After all, it’s known that the liberal political party does have amongst its ranks many office seekers and office holders who are actually non and anti-intellectuals. They’d like to see a “dumbing down” of America. That would give them an upper hand in upcoming elections – they think.
But as we look back upon the dangerously failed presidency of Forty Six, and then take note of what Democratic candidates for various political positions are now telling us, it’s easy to see what the real goal of the Democratic Party is, i.e. power for itself – and itself only. And it doesn’t take great insight to see the condescension the Democratic Party displays toward America’s working poor, and how it tries to plant the seeds of jealousy and anger within America’s middle class by constantly degrading those who’ve, through honest effort, been successful in America’s capitalist society. But of course nothing is said about those very wealthy individuals who contribute to its candidate.
So brace yourselves. A whole crapload of left-wing propaganda will be dumped upon you before the November election. But remember, America belongs to its working classes! It doesn’t belong to foreign infiltrators, or those who believe that by calling the U.S.A. a democracy rather than a republic they’ll be allowed to further dangerous political beliefs.
And also remember this: It’s abundantly clear that most of America’s media, its actors, actresses and TV hosts, and in general the majority of people living along its West Coast and the northern half of its Eastern Coast seem to favor left-wing radicalism over common sense. They’d rather allow non-Americans to live better in the U.S. than actual American citizens, and, if possible they’d like to have the Americans of the Great Plains, the Midwest, the South, and the Southwest do the physical labor necessary to keep everyone fed, while they disrespect all that America should be, and attempt to reconfigure it so they can be its left-wing lords, and those living in what they term “fly over country” can be their serfs.
And when Democratic candidates tell you they’ve done a good job in regard to immigration, they’re attempting to insult your intelligence. It may not be possible to stop illegal border crossings entirely, but certainly this travesty can be greatly stopped, and through deportation hopefully reversed. Remember, during the term of president Forty Six millions upon millions of illegal trespassers entered the United States Of America; and if they and their offspring are allowed to remain here, their presence here will be profound in years to come, such as to endanger the futures of “real Americans”. But yet the Democratic candidate for president says she’s a candidate who’s focused upon the future rather than the past.
And, liberals like to tell Americans that they’re not being friendly to their environment, and that this fact will be problematic for them in years to come; yet, according to leftists it’s apparently alright to allow millions more people to live illegally in America. But I guess those non-citizens won’t strain America’s environmental quality in the years to come, only those people who are really Americans will do that. Plus, of course we know that all the illegal trespassers who’ve come to America were fine outstanding citizens of the nations they left to come here. Thus apparently in the mind of Forty Six and his cohorts, none of them will pose a criminal threat to real Americans.

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