Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Written By: Anonymous


I guess it’s another day to anger those who tell us to remove the past as our greatest focal point. So, now through backward mental propulsion, we’re where we can once again analyze all we’ve experienced either through real events, imagination, or learned knowledge. But those we considered yesterday’s heroes are mostly gone now, yet, to me, the most fortunate of them were those who found both advancement and refuge within the realm of artistic expression. And, it’s true, time has passed many of them by, as it will all of us; but the aid those artistically gifted mortals bequeathed to mankind in most cases found its significance within the manner in which it differed from what was considered “the norm” in all those differing eras. Oh, and today we can still learn from, and find solace within great artists' paintings, writings, musical compositions, and architectural achievements.


Sometimes I find myself somewhat puzzled by the word sometimes. And those are such times as when I find that word used rather randomly, and not in reference to what are known to be, or to have been verifiably real “times.” And, maybe verifiable realness should render sometimes as being written “some times,” at least at some certain times. But, if you disagree with my opinions concerning sometimes, that won’t bother me.
And, the freedom others possess for critical analysis of any word or any other known earthly phenomenon doesn’t bother me either, because I’ve learned that mortals often pay a price for disorganization. Thus, it would seem natural that they’d attempt to avoid confused thinking; or at least reverse what they’ve come to learn are obvious falsehoods accrued by them though perception or gossip. And, it would seem natural that if confused thinking concerning word choices and word meanings could be avoided, then at least a few insights into proper word usage and “hidden meanings” within word groupings might be discovered through simple analysis of all possible written formats.
And the foremost of such insights would perhaps be the way in which what’s contained in certain prose and poetry works sometimes imitates the realities of certain human lives, especially if the writers of those pieces wish such imitation to occur. But through personal experience I can say I’ve learned that significant roadblocks are sometimes placed before certain American writers; and those are usually such writers as possess a conservative political leaning.
And I’d venture to say that most writers are familiar with the so-called “first ten pages mandate.” In that method of literary criticism, agents, editors, and publishers reject any manuscripts which don’t appeal to them after they’ve read those submissions’ first ten pages. But I want to quickly and non-sensationally reference another form of literary rejection; that being that such writers who are known to be conservative, that is they’re right of center politically, are usually stymied somewhere along their way toward literary success.
But then of course of what real value is literary success, or any success for that matter? Liberals tell us that successful people should feel remorseful about their achievements; after all, they’re hindering the “little guy” from possibly achieving that much coveted American dream. And, so what if certain agents, editors, etc. keep a special “slush pile” for the submissions of writers whose output and writing style they admire, but dare never grant publication to?


I want to reaffirm my penchant for past analyzation, a phenomenon I mentioned in Part One of this discussion. And without seeking either pity or praise, I wish to tell you that hardly a day elapses in which I don’t find myself attempting to discern whether I’ve lived properly or in vain. But, being most likely both a romantic and a realist simultaneously, I’m believing I’ll never really know the truthful answer to the quandary posed in the preceding sentence. Nonetheless, I remember most of all the good and evil I was part of. And I know the same about many others. But I’d like to note one residual effect granted me by my ponderance of bygone days, and it is how a number of people seem to think they’re somehow more holy, or at least simply better than others. And, it may well be that they’ve never committed any serious misdeeds in their lives but, nonetheless, they’ve somehow set themselves up to be society’s arbiters of good and evil. And, they usually like to gossip. And, it seldom matters to them if the “information” they’re disseminating is true, false, or as it usually is, half true and half false.
And I can tell you that I’ve fought the effects of unwarranted gossip in my life. But of course I’ve also known much happiness and sadness, yet no doubt fear is the emotion upon which most of my memories are based. And I’ve known many fears, but truthfully never any as great as those I felt in very recent years when all one needed to do was watch newscasts of hoards (or caravans as some called them) of people walking northward to invade my nation. And America had a president then who didn’t seem to care that his (and our) land was being besieged by foreigners from our south initially, and then later from virtually everywhere on our planet. And he and his democratic party apparently didn’t care, or couldn’t understand the dire effects that the millions upon millions of illegal entrants they were permitting to enter our land would have upon us in our lifetimes; but far more importantly, the great negative impact they would have upon true Americans in years to come.
But hopefully those days of illegal entry into the U.S. are now over, and hopefully the future leaders of America will follow the lead of our current president who is now trying to right the great wrongs of his predecessor. And thus, now, in these days of liberation from the invaders whom our forty-sixth president allowed to enter our nation illegally, we must show support for our new president as he attempts to rid us of a very dangerous mob.
And although America will now hopefully free itself from the stranglehold illegal entrants were beginning to wield upon it, one wonders why America’s liberals would wish to have their nation subdued by foreigners. Why would they and their president want to expose the American population to the dangers posed by non-citizens living in the U.S.? And why would they desire to make hard working Americans subsidize the lifestyles of people who violate their neighbor’s territory due to hatred and jealousy? And most importantly, why would they wish foreigners to become the dominant citizens of a radically changed America in years to come?
It may be that the questions asked in the preceding paragraph will never really be truthfully and entirely answered. Nonetheless, now is the time Americans must remain strong against liberal criticism of their nation’s deportation of its illegal non-citizens, because now is the time they’ll hear about how much tariffs and the deportation will cost. But remember, had the previous presidential administration not allowed our nation to be over-run by illegal foreigners, the current administration would not now have to undertake the removal of those foreigners.


In Part Two of this discussion, I claimed that disorganization can sometimes lead one to commit unnecessary or even dangerous activities. And, while that’s certainly true, I suppose it could also be said, although in a no doubt unfortunate sense, that those who lack a complete foundation of orderliness may at times be freer in regard to the actual performance of deeds. They may not always need to lay out grandiose plans before they take any actions or write any words. But then again, even that postulation is debatable.
Nevertheless, my ex-wife whom I always felt belonged to the disorganized category, still likes to get in touch with me from time to time. And when I see her number on my caller ID, I know I’m in for either a bout of boasting or complaining, or both. And her latest call did contain both.
You see, she’s remarried to a wealthy man now. And she and he live well. And she informs me of their great joint deeds. Last week she called and told me they’d just returned from Europe and would now soon embark upon some journeys to some large U.S. cities. But she also had some bad news.
It seems my sixteen year old daughter, who along with her younger brother now live with my ex-wife, came home from high school very depressed one day recently and told my ex that two of her close high school friends (Donny and Kamaraderie) who had been “going steady” since they were freshmen, had broken up. But why did they “break up” asked my ex-wife?
And my daughter answered “To me this sounds really stupid, but apparently they got into an argument about whether protesters and hunters should be legally pardoned if they supposedly break the law.”

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