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Sally Pomeroy
  • Female
  • Littleton, CO
  • United States
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Night Watch
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Terry Pratchett

Sally Pomeroy's Blog

About to publish!

Posted on November 8, 2012 at 4:30pm 0 Comments

Matthew Butler's next adventure; Butler's Island will be available for fans to read on our website on the evening of November 14th.

 We're very excited to publish and don't want any  more delays, but we don't know when our cover will be ready.  After spending hours on the internet, unsuccessfully looking for a stock image that would be suitable, we have hired artist Paul Strahm to paint it for us.

  As soon as the cover is ready, it will be available from all the usual sources;…


To Rewrite or not?

Posted on April 9, 2011 at 9:23pm 2 Comments

We made Butler Did It!  free last week, .99 cents on Amazon because I have yet to figure out how to make it free there.  The result was a HUGE increase in downloads.  It's so cool to think that that many people were at least tempted to read it.

 I wish I knew what they thought of it.  The feedback we have gotten has been good overall, with our two most honest and critical family saying they thought it dragged until Kobi jumps off the yacht.  We have considered rewriting and re-posting…


First paragraph of Butler's next adventure

Posted on March 25, 2011 at 9:07pm 2 Comments

  We've begun writing.  Just came up with this scene to open the book.. What do you think?

It was not their fault, really.  Well, mostly not.  Matthew Butler, Tommy Cooper, and the little dog Jack emerged from Mobile Bay like Swamp Thing II, their powder blue tuxedos dripping with mud and rotted weeds.  On the expansive lawn in front of them sat three hundred fifty close friends and relatives, dressed in their Sunday best.  A murmur ran through the crowd.  The bride, an… Continue

the first few pages of Butler Did It!

Posted on March 9, 2011 at 7:00am 2 Comments



Tommy Cooper jumped into the passenger seat of the battered jeep pickup.

“Did you find any Tequila?” asked Matthew Butler, not looking up from the map he was examining. 

“No,” Tommy replied, “I had to settle for Rum.  I guess there’s not much call for Tequila in Kenya.  I also got Captain Z his Johnny Walker.  For beer, I got plenty of Tusker, the Budweiser of Africa.  I grabbed the last of the Guinness, and to round out the order, I got 10 cases…


Comment Wall (8 comments)

At 4:48pm on September 22, 2010, Kay Elizabeth said…
Hi Sally! Great to have you around. We’d like to see your writing sometime if you’re happy to share it here. Welcome and enjoy yourself! :)
At 7:17pm on September 24, 2010, scribbler said…
Nice to meet you Sally. Welcome aboard. :) I hope you like it here! I look forward to hearing all about your writing.
At 12:46am on March 8, 2011, Garry Edward Lewis said…
Greetings Sally count me in as a friend! Welcome to!  Garry
At 6:58am on March 8, 2011, Anna L. Walls said…
Hello Sally. Thanks for stopping by my website and at least one of my blogs. Welcome to my corner of the world.
At 4:47pm on April 6, 2011, Lisa R.Brereton said…

Hi Sally,

Welcome, it is so nice to have you hear. it would be nice to learn more about what you write and what you have published. I am an Author of self-help guide books and poet. if you would like to view my books and upcoming books you can visit my website, then just click on my blog.

it would be nice to hear from you

Take Care


At 3:53am on April 22, 2011, Katelyn M. Jordon Jackson gave Sally Pomeroy a gift
At 4:33am on May 05, 2011, kjforce gave Sally Pomeroy a gift
Thanks for inviting me to be a can I borrow $10.00 ? How did you get a brown gooy oozing out of the box..hey,maybe I'll bake some you at the coffee bar..kj
At 3:04pm on September 02, 2011, kjforce gave Sally Pomeroy a gift
What's happening in Littleton lately ? kj

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