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Hi Folks,

As I am nearing the end of the rewrite for book one I am looking for a new title. The book is about the Land of Dreams and is a children's fantasty adventure book (8-12). The series is the Everlasting Fantastical Adventures and the options we are currently thinking of for the title are

  1. Twilight's Shadows
  2. The Trolls Totally Titanic terribly Triumphant Toothy Tongue Tingler
  3. Shadow Shape
  4. The Twelve Toed Ugly Troll


The story is about a troll and his journey from loneliness, (and his life as a nasty creature, influenced by a strange cat who is more thatn she seems) to finding the first friends he has ever had. The backdrop is Elannah, Sam and friends' (such as Rodger the Badger) visit to the Great WIzard's (Grumphspawn's) magical fireworks display .


Anyone have any suggestions/advice?

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The title will be..... (drum roll).....

Rising from the Shadows

I hope you and the myriads of readers like it.


Thanks for everyone's help!

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