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Sean Noonan
  • Male
  • Lanark
  • United Kingdom
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  • Jack Prendergast

Sean Noonan's Discussions

What is your best tip for new authors?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Raymond Cook Nov 27, 2017. 44 Replies

Sharing thoughts on tips for new authors...My first tip would be to enjoy the writing process as much as possible. It sounds simple but is such an important part of any author's fabric it must always…Continue

Tags: authors, new, for, tips, Writing

Hey Dudes and Dudettes! We are almost at the 2000 members mark. How cool is that!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Declan Munro Apr 24, 2012. 3 Replies

Just wandering through the site as I order my thoughts for the stories and I noticed we are close to a Landmark number of members. Quite a way from when I first joined the site. This is a great…Continue

Rising from the Shadows

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sean Noonan Apr 2, 2012. 3 Replies

Its getting closer. Here is the first paragraphs and my idea of the hook. Comments please guys and gals! You’ll never imagine a more curious fireworks display. At least Elannah and Sam never did. Not…Continue

Tags: Stories, Fantasy, Adventure, Childrens

Is social media helping us tell our story or as authors are we more likely to blurb when we are not ready?

Started Feb 23, 2012 0 Replies

Hi FolksAs I work through the series, I find the ideas just keep developing, its like climbing a series of summits, just when you think you are at the top, another peak appears and the climb begins…Continue

Tags: adventures, fantastical, everlasting, noonan, sean


Sean Noonan's Page

Profile Information

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Favorite Genre or Category
For Young Readers
Favorite Book
Any that stir my imagination in a good way
Favorite Author
mutli various and those that bring a smile

Comment Wall (16 comments)

At 4:16am on June 18, 2010, Kay Elizabeth said…
Welcome to you, Sean! :) Have fun. You’ve discovered a nice crowd here at Is that Lanark in Scotland you're from?
At 2:27am on June 20, 2010, scribbler said…
Nice to meet you Sean. Welcome aboard. :) I hope you enjoy being amongst us and I’ll look forward to hearing more about your reading habits.
At 3:20am on June 18, 2011, Larry A Cochran gave Sean Noonan a gift
At 11:36pm on October 18, 2011, Alexandria Infante said…
Thanks for adding me Sean, I'm alie :)
At 11:42pm on December 24, 2011, Catharina Shields said…

Thanks for accepting, Sean!

At 5:57pm on February 26, 2012, Sean Solomon said…

Hi Sean...Thanks for adding me as your friend. I'll have a good look at your site and works over the next week. In the meantime please feel free to look over my work at follows:

OUTBREAK | Released Date Pending
The world is plunged into chaos as a deadly virus spreads across the globe, killing millions in its wake. Is the 'outbreak' the long awaited epidemic foretold or something far more sinister?

As society crumbles, a New World Order is born. Those deemed to be infected are mercilessly destroyed in an attempt to halt the spread of the virus or so we are led to believe.

The reality is beyond comprehension as, Dan Lucas, an ex-royal navy communications expert and Jon Derrer, a specialist police firearms officer, fight against the rampant madness that spreads across the UK. With help from beyond the grave, will they be able to right the wrongs of a world plunged into insanity or will they perish in the process?

Outbreak is a fast moving, paranormal, action thriller that keeps you gripped to the very end.


Coming Soon... 
Not since the days of the Yorkshire Ripper has death stalked the streets of Northern England spreading fear among the population.

Based several years in the future, after the re-introduction of the death penalty for murder, the story tracks a serial killer known as the 'Double Slasher', as he's brought to justice by DCI Haimer and his team of homicide detectives.

The tale follows the accused from bloody murders to the trial at Crown Court and the inevitable verdict.

Sean Solomon weaves a tale of - did he, didn't he? - that sways the readers' judgement one way and then the other, in a strange sympathetic rollercoaster ride of emotion.

As ever, look out for the unseen twist in the tale that will take your breath away!


At 8:55pm on April 3, 2012, Birgitta Abimbola Heikka said…

Nice to meet you, Sean, in the world of virtual reality.  Hope to read more of your writings.

At 1:59pm on April 11, 2012, Sean Solomon said…


I'm contacting all my friends, to say thank you for your support leading upto the release of my debut novel, OUTBREAK, which is now available at Amazon.


Sean (

At 7:54pm on April 29, 2012, Jack Prendergast said…

Hi, Sean, delighted to meet you.


At 7:51am on May 14, 2012, Jack Prendergast said…

Hi Sean, hope you had a great trip; would you please let me know if there's any book of yours in particular that you would like me to review? (ie: the latest?)

All the best,


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