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The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck
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too many to mention.

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  • The Outlaw

    Thank you for the add, I host The Writer's Block on looking to interview authors, writers, poets - anyone in the writing genre. Email me:
  • Maria Younas

    Yeah!!I am just really quite fond of Rowling's books and novels.She is an amusing author.Her book Tales of Beedle the Bard is excellent.I wish so she write more about Harry Potter and by the way,Deathly Hallows can or either cant be the end of Harry Potter..
  • Smokey the Wellness Guy

    Hello Scribbler, I like that name ... creative! I also like your picture. Thank you for the warm invite. -Smoke
  • Callie Leah

    Isn't this cute!
  • Sissy Marlyn

    Thanks for the friend invite.

    Just got done organizing, and participating in, my first author faire. While we would have liked to have had more foot travel (ALWAYS!), the event turned out very well. Hope to host many more in the future. Perhaps you can join us!

  • Cricket

    thanx for the read and the critique. oh, and the add. nice to read ya!
  • michael workman

    my book was releasd about 3 weeks ago, i currently don't have a wbsite setup but i'm working on it. I'm just selling out the trunk of my car until I can really get established but I have sold over 80 copies of this book and everyone who has purchased one has responded in a positive fashion and they say that it is a source of inspiration to them. TRhe book has over 60 poems and it only sells for $8, right now I'm taking orders at and I ship them out, I always askfor $2 extra for shippngand handling if I need to mail it out and I request that the money be sent before I send the book out, you won't be disappointed, thank you.
  • Cricket

    question scribbler-i like the moniker, by the way-did it provoke any other thoughts or merely puzzlement? Dismissal? o great question mark! i question you...etc. thanx for the input!
  • Christine Koehler

    Thank-you for the warm welcome! I am in the process of writing my first novel, and how exciting that is. So, here, I am looking for the expertise of others in the profession.
  • Alex Davis

    Thanks, nice to meet you too :)
  • Ellen Ward

    Hi Scribbler,

    Nice to meet you here and I'm very excited about being a part of the site. I appears to be quite active and full of great people. We handle all types of books so there is no limit. Specifically, OnTime Assistants handle the self publishing aspects for the author so you are free to do what you love - write.

    What type of books to you write?

    Best regards,
    Ellen Ward
  • Tammy Rockett-Box

    Scribbler, thank you for the warm welcome. As a new author I am both excited and sometimes overwhelmed. As with most unknown authors, marketing and promoting your book can be challenging, however kind of enjoyable as well. I was glad to find to be amongst my author colleagues and professionals. I anticipate the release of my next book "Strange Happenings" sometime in the middle of 2010, this is a collection of short mystery/suspense stories. I look forward to continuous discussions with you and others. Thanks
  • Danielle

    Thank you Scribbler, just trying to figure out where everything is. :D
  • Robert L. Bacon

    Hi Scribbler, and thanks for the welcome.

    Kay Elizabeth, with The Cuckleburr Times, recommended, and I am glad she did, since I am always looking for quality non-commercial venues dedicated solely to serious writers. As a novelist and professional editor, I am often too busy to spend the time I would like with correspondence, so I have to limit the sites on which I participate, but I will try my best to be attentive to this site.

    I post articles on writing and publishing on, should you be interested, and I provide a free newsletter that can be subscribed to via my web site at The subscription box is at the bottom of the page. I currently publish every other Tuesday, and I do accept material from published writers on occasion, most recently by Rebecca York.

    Again, that you for your courtesy, and I hope I can make a contribution to


    Robert L. (Rob) Bacon, Founder
    The Perfect Write®
  • brokenwhole

    Scribbler, many thanks for the welcome! It's great to be part of a community of like minds. I've many friends here in LA, but none of them read, let alone write! So I'm glad to be here.

    Take care, Keith
  • Ellen Ward

    How fun - I'd love to read some of your work.

    Thanks for the heads up on the Group. Greatly appreciated.
  • Matt T. Schott

    Greetings Scibbler, I love your name and logo. I am new here and I have been distracted with family. friends and Christmas. I am interested in networking and learing what I can about the writing buisness. I'm sure we'll be conversring in the future, Happy Hollidays
  • pragati parikh

    thank u for the welcome
    its good to be a part of and i m definately very exited
  • Mark A. Santomieri

    Hey you. I hope your Christmas was enjoyable. Just a note to say best wishes for the brave new year ahead.
  • Linda Siciliano

    Thank you very much for the warm welcome, I have to say I am really enjoying this site.
  • Stephen Gray

    Thank You scribbler.
  • Don Dockery

    Hey Scribbler, I look forward to digging into your work and enjoying all I can learn. Thanks again. keep scribbling..
  • David Lucero

    Congrats, Scribbler, for being featured on I'm sure you deserve it. Keep on writing!

  • Cricket

    well done! :)
  • Don Dockery

    Hey my friend, My fast fingers got ahead of me on the last post and I didn't proof read it. Lesson learned there. I liked your page and there is so much for me to learn, And I didn't realize how poor I've let my english go till now. ouch. back to school for me. Thanks for dropping in on me. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks
  • Diana Davis

    hey, thanx for the comment and i know you posted the comment a long time ago, so thanx and i hope to get to know you better as well.
  • Zebulon

    thanks for the welcome! good to know theres someone i can ask silly questions about the website as i wave my arms around in the dark, kneeing low desks, running into things and the like. :)
  • Maureen Reid

    thanks much for the warm welcome and compliment, scribbler...I will venture to post something on here tomorrow while I do the Coffee IV LOL...Just a little freestyle poemy mush I wrote back 99 LOL
    ...I need to keep paper & pen within arms reach again & get my writing juices "unrusticated" LOL ... Just being silly, I am in a great mood & happy to have joined. Looking forward to making friends on here & reading everyone's gems. =)
  • Jaison Paulina

    I am hoping to enjoy my time here at this site. Well I am refered to by people who know me well as Jazz-bo, but that was my stage name. I also like to rap when I have the opportunity to do so. I will be comfortable with any name that I'm called Jaison/ Jazz-bo it is okay which evr one you feel comfortable with. And thanks for the comment.
  • Jaison Paulina

    Nice to meet you as well, Jaison would be fine as I left the booth after my brother died in 2008. I am happy to be here and do hope that we would talk soon. Have a good day.
  • C. A. Lofton

    Dear Scribbler,
    Thanks for the welcome. By the way, I love your handle - it's very creative. I write self-help and inspirational books. Check me out on amazon. com. Book title: African-American Guide to Prosperity: A Metaphysical Approach to health, Wealth & Happiness. It's the same New Age genre as The Secret, Think & Grow Rich , and The Power of Positive Think.

    C. A.
  • Sean Falconer

    Thank you for the welcome and I am happy to be here.
  • Pink Asassin

    Thanks, it's nice to meet you too Scribbler! :D Thanks for your advice, and I hope to get to know you better too. :)
    I love sites like this, they let you share your imagination with others who have the same interests.
    Anyway, I hope you're having a good day! XD
  • Maria

    The Diary of Anne Frank was required reading for my eighth grade class. At first when I picked it up, I couldn't get into it. I guess I didn't care about another teenage girl's point of view, but then I read it anyway and was so fascinated by her hope and will power that I started reading survival stories too. Ever since then I can't get enough, and it is my hope to be working at the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. within the next five years. I blame my fascination on good writing haha.
  • Michael K. Jones

    Thanks, its raining and cold here in Atlanta.
  • Mark A. Santomieri

    Red Ribbon
  • Marilda Conway

    Thanks, Scribbler for the welcome. Looking forward getting to know you and the other members.
    By the way, you can call me Tillie. It's cold up here in the frozen Wilkes Barre, Pa.
  • michael r. oconnor

    Thank-you. It is good to find a place to share my love for writting. I have a lot to learn, but I am not new to the game. I have been writting for well over Thirty years. My first e-book is doing pretty well which makes me look forward to the next being availiable. thanks again for the welcome.
  • ayaz ahmed

    thanks for the warm welcome. Id be glad if u read my two articles and give review on them.
  • Kenny Thurman

    thank you, are you an admin?
  • Norma Mullican

    Thank you for the info. I took your advice and joined.
  • Michael Otieno Molina

    Thanks! Got a blog going... check it out if you like - P.S....
  • David Brandon Lee

    thanks for the nice warm welcome and advice. i think its great that theres a place i can go now if i need any advice or support.
    Kind Regards,
  • Dawn Breck

    Thanks for the welcome.
    I'd like to say I have a genre, but most of my experience has been writing essays.
    I'm working on a novel. No luck yet getting it read. However I persevere.
  • Brenda E. Floyd

    Thank you for your welcome.
  • Trudy Coiley

    Hi Scrbbler: Thanks for welcoming me. I appreciate you and others giving advice on stiicky keys. I deleted Explorer8 and still have this problem. I will continue to try another solution and see how that works. Thanks. Trudy
  • Ernest Lijoi

    At 10:06pm on March 26, 2010, Ernest Lijoi said… Hi Scribbler, thanks for the friend invite. My writing is about the life that I led as a (DCI) Deep Cover Investigator. I do not call myself a writer because in like to look at myself as a story teller. With all the stories in my life that have been untold untill now. Many of them are a little exagerated in some parts and all the names and some locations are changed to protect the people and the families involved they are based on real stories and a real detective, Ernie Lijoi Sr. My site is http:///
  • R.J. Hamilton

  • Jennifer Lynn Knox

    Good to meet you, too. I value the friendship :) Jen
  • Kerri Miller

    Thank you. I have been so busy writing that I haven't had time to get on here yet. Look forward to meeting other writers!