Maureen Reid


Kingsland, GA

United States

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  • Maureen Reid

    good afternoon Kay,
    Tis nice to meet you also (curtsey LOL). Thanks for the warm welcome & humbling compliment.
    No, I have never polished up those childrens' short stories & sent them out into the world... I always thought they weren't good enough (I am my worst, toughest critic being a perfectionist! LOL)... I fear that those stories being almost 20 yrs old now, the children of this day & age would scoff at them, because there's no cosmic flash in them, so to speak LOL My scribblings are thoughtful, emotional & upbeat so "maybe" an 8 yr old nowadays might even read one but who knows....they were written back then for preteen age, but the world has changed so much!...
    I had my twin neices who were about 10 yrs old at the time (about 10 yrs ago) read a few of my stories, and they didn't make any comments at all, which was unusual for 2 chatterboxes, so I'm amazed I didn't torch them back then hahahahahahha ...I'm joking, I'm just amazed I kept the stories all these years... Cheap typing paper & yellow legal pad has a good shelf life LOL
    ....I would like to start writing again though, if nothing but to put drops of me into black on paper again. If I get very BRAVE, I can share here....BIGBIG cheesy grin! heehee
    Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe & God bless!
    I will venture this coming week to get into reading folks' writings on here and look at the other groups! Enjoy!
  • Kay Elizabeth

    Maureen, I know where you're coming from there! I have a short story I wrote for kids too years ago and now when I look at it the word that comes to mind is "quaint". I think it's probably too unsophisticated for today's kids' tastes. That doesn't stop me from sharing it though LOL. I have a thick skin and am glad of feedback on anything I write.

    I'll add it to my blog. :) Great to have you here!

    And btw, it could have been the twins said nothing because they were enthralled. :)
  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Maureen,

    Welcome, it is so nice to have you here, and was fun to read a little bit about you and what you write. have you been able to publish anything yet, and what are your goals in the writing area? if you are on face book it would be nice to hear from you

    Take Care

    Lisa Brereton (Author of self-help guide books)