Lisa R.Brereton


Orem, UT

United States

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For Young Readers
Favorite Book
How to...get to the heart of your own" (finding peace within)
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  • Diana Monroe

    Hi, thanks for commenting, yes, it is the first book I've written. I do plan in writing more in the future.
  • Denise Rago

    Hi Lisa,

    Immortal Obsession is my only book but I am working on the sequel.  All the best! 

  • Diana Medler

    Hi Lisa,

    I write children's book.  My first is called "Dobbin and the Stardust Trail".  You can see it at   I am new to this site and hope to check in often.  Thank you for getting in touch with me and I am on facebook.

  • Brenda BeaShay

    Hello Lisa,

    Thanks for your message. I have a bok, "Spirits Of The Hills" was published in Dec. It's a mystery thriller. I am working on a series now and the first book is completed. Nine more to go and I'll be through. This series is a mystery. I admire poetry but don't have the ability to write more than one poem at a time. Congratulations on your works, sounds interesting. Good luck.

  • Sandie Newman

    Hi Lisa, thanks for your message. I am on facebook and have written a book called The Crown of Crysaldor, an as yet unpublished fantasy adventure for young adults.
  • Elizabeth Marcellin

    Hi Lisa!!


    Thank you for the kind welcome message! I am on Facebook, under Element Keepers. Feel free to visit and "like" :)


    Have a great week!

  • Nikki Leigh

    Hi Lisa -- I'm hoping to flesh out my page soon. For some advanced info - these are my books that are published :)

    Widow's Walk (Misty Cove Series)
    Lady Lightkeeper (Misty Cove Series)
    Lilah and the Locket (Cape Hatteras Series)
    Book Promo 101: Learn the Basics of Book Promotion
    Journeys of a Lifetime by Members of the Readers Station
    Book Promo 201: Learn to Promote Using the Internet and Web 2.0
    Make it Happen! Discover More Love and Passion (Ebook)
    Art of Kissing from Head to Toe - A Love Prints Report (Ebook)
    365 Foolish Mistakes Smart Managers Make
    How to Run a Successful Pizza and Sub Shop
    Successful Meetings
    Non Commercial Food Service Manager's Handbook


    So many more books I want to write, and so little available time :)

  • Lynny Prince

    Hi Lisa,

    I am a published author and have just signed with Nemsi books for a reprinting of my novel Scattered Leaves: The Legend of Ghostkiller. This book is being adapted to film and will be released in 2012. It is based on the true story of the Great Sioux Uprising in 1862 and intertwines the paranormal with time travel, mysterious curses and Native Americans. There's a romantic entanglement (of course) that follows the main storyline, as well. You can visit my webpage for more information. Thanks for writing!

    Best always,

    Lynny Prince

  • Susan Petersen Avitzour

    Hi Lisa,

    I write memoir and short fiction. The full-length memoir I've written is called And Twice the Marrow of Her Bones, about my journey with my daughter Timora while she suffered from leukemia, and then without her after she died at the age of eighteen.

    Yes, I'm on Facebook, under my Hebrew name of Sara Avitzour.



  • Mary Katherine Arensberg

    Hi Lisa,

    My boosk are about women of character, surviors, women who get up everyday and put one foot in front of the other.  The have a sense of duty, morals and they know there is a God. I have patterned my characters after the strong women in my family _ my grandmother ( 13 children) my mother, my aunts and my cousins. I have been told the stories are inspirational.  One lady bought 4 copies of Willa to give to friends who were recently divorced because Willa has to face changes she is very uncomfortable with.  At first she tries to hide away but in the end realizes that life has more to offer than security.  All of my books have women who overcome adversity. My stories are good, nice and have happy ending - not that they get what they really wanted, but that they are satisfied with what they 'earned' in life.  Thanks for your interest.  The books are available at,, and I self published. 

  • Mary Katherine Arensberg

    I am on FB.  The titles are Willa (Civil War in Ohio) - Woman of the Wind (Homsteading in 1880s Idaho) - Naomi of the Arizona Territory (1870s ranch in the White Mountains) - Miracle from the Mountain (1900s Ozarks Myths & Magic) -A Quiet Place (1996 Baby boomer relizes lifelong dream) - Rosalie ( 1910 Rosalie is an aristocrat of color in this modern tale of Pride and Prejudice -Wilderness Princess (1790s Mohican Beloved Woman leads her tribe to safety to settle in the Black Hand Gorge of Ohio - she gives up her heritage to secure her children's future).  Coming 2012 The Healing Heart (1890-1914 Libby Bainbridge returns to her home in Tip Top KY as the first woman doctor. has a good listing and I have an author's page with some insight.

    Mary Katherine

  • Sandie Newman

    Hi Lisa, yes I am on f/b under Sandie Newman but you may want to look me up under my email which is, not sure how the friends thing on there works these days but that should work. Currently I am in the middle of a very long editing job on my book, which one day I will finish and then submit to agents.
  • Mahesh Seelvi

    O, hello

    I am Mahesh Seelvi from Patiala (Punjab) India and write short essays/poems in lighter vein (Hasya vyang) I have three literary books to my credit. I am a writer, producer and a director. We will be often meet through this media.



  • Sandra Hyatt Bausch

    Hi Lisa,

    I am working on a crime/mystery about a real cold case of a missing young girl. I just finished a class at Gotham Writers with a great group of classmates. You can find me on FB under Sandra Bausch, I think anyway.

  • Susan Petersen Avitzour

    Hi Lisa,

    I'd be very happy for you to read my memoir and use what I've written to help others - actually, my book does relate very directly to my spiritual processing of Timora's illness and my loss, so it seems very appropriate.  It's a wonderful thing you're doing.

    I'm assuming, of course, that you will mention my book's name in your text.

    So how to we go about this?



  • Mahesh Seelvi

    Nice to know that you have gone through my profile. We will be contacting each other through this medium.
    I am a writer, Producer and Director.
    I write short essays/poems in lighter vein. I have three literary books (two in Punjabi and one in Hindi) to my credit. The third in Hindi is ready.

    will be happly to hear from you

    Mahesh Seelvi India
  • Val Fox

    Thanks for your message Lisa.  After seven years off line I bought a laptop last May and began catching up - I did not even know what a blog was.  I am still trying to find my way around wigets, rss and so many things I barely understand...slowly self-teaching through articles etc.  Most of the tech stuff I learned in school is outdated now.  My background is in newspaper.  My website may help answer some of your questions.
  • Mary Katherine Arensberg

    Hi Lisa,

    I'm new to so I don't know if we can sell from this site.  Anyway you can email me at and tell me what books you are interested in.  I pay for the shipping and the tax and I will sign them for you, my new friend!

    Mary Katherine

  • Sandie Newman

    The plan is to finish editing and when I'm completely happy with it I will try agents and publishers and if there are no takers then I want to get one copy self-published just for me. Even if it doesn't happen to imagine holding that one hard-backed copy in my hands even now is wonderful and that WILL happen one day even if it's not for general publication, if you know what I mean. Your news sounds good, something I can only dream about, congrats.

  • Sandie Newman

    Sorry forgot to tell you about the book I'm writing. It's a fantasy adventure set in 1350 and is called The Crown of Crysaldor.
  • Reba Stanley

    Hi Lisa, good to met you.

    I am on fb, but I'm having trouble with it, if you go there at it is empty that is why.  If you go there and it is fine, great, please feel free to join me and my friends.  I'm in the process of changing it, but I'm also at the mercy at the one doing the work.  :0/

    You can go to and see my fb and to see what books I have out. I have 2 out now, (The Garland Series) First book is 'Storms', 2nd is 'The Rancher'.  The 3rd one I'm working hard at getting out in 2-3 months. I'm self-published and things are going well.  I have a lot to learn and a lot to do, but my readers tell me they really are loving the books, and can't wait until the next one is out. Praise The Lord !

    As far a experiences go...they are all around us. Things that we remember when we were younger, things we hear about in a prayer request at church, some silly things our kids tell us about what happened at school.  All around us.



  • Susan Petersen Avitzour

    That sounds good, Lisa. I'll arrange to have a book sent to you next week.

    All the best,


  • Elizabeth Marcellin

    Thanks! I will definitly :) Meeting more and more great people here!
  • julia

    thank you, but i do not have a face book
  • Mary Anderson

    Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for the warm welcome. Sorry it took awhile to reply. I'm not a published writer ... I hope to publish one book some day in a few years. I just putter away at it. It is a funny combination of biography, funny personal & dog stories, how I ended up being a dog trainer as a senior ... Mary


  • Alvin Robert Jackman


     May I have your e mail address . Mine is


      Ph 1 250 227 9529  Thanks  Alvin

  • Alvin Robert Jackman


     Would you please send me your email address.

     Mine is

     Phone 1 250 277 9529

     I will email you a copy of my work.

     Thanks Alvin.


  • Mellanie Crouell

    Hello Lisa. I am on facebook. I mostly write drama, fiction, poetry, and childrens. In my spare time I do other type of genre's.  Im looking forward to speaking with you.
  • Sheri L. Wright

    Hi Lisa,

    sure, friend me on FB if you like. I'm there more then anywhere. Thanks.

  • Gabrielle Bisset

    Hi Lisa!  Thanks for the friend request.  It's nice to meet you.




  • Carol Bridgestock

    Hi Lisa!

    Thank-you for the friendship! We've had an exciting week  with our sample books arriving from our publisher! You can download the first two chapters from our webste if you would like to read them? It's


    Lovely to meet you here! I'm on facebook too @ Carol Bridgestock or RC Bridgestock.


    Have a lovely week!


    Kind regards,



  • Anna L. Walls

    Hello Lisa. Congratulations on your books.
  • Carol Bridgestock

    Hi Lisa!


    Lovely to hear back from you too! I am looking forward to learning more about your writing too! :-)

  • Nora Wilson

    Hello, thanks for the welcome! :) You say you write poetry? I write poems every once in awhile, but mainly free-verse, nothing to great. I've written a haiku here and there too though. Maybe sometime you could give me a few pointers? If you don't mind, of course!
  • Ann Rodela

    Hi Lisa.   Thanks for the invite. :)
  • Jannie Marie DeBose

    Hi Lisa, Thanks for showing yourself friendly. I write poems may share one on this site soon. I look forwaed to reading your work in the future.
  • Trishit banerjee

    Respected Ms. Lisa, First of all my apologies for replying you so late. I would like to mail you some of my poems which has been published by newspapers. I have also received a positive review from the University of Oxford. I am 13-year old and i reside at Mumbai, India. My e-mail id is
  • Alvin Robert Jackman


    Hi Alvin Jackman Hear.

    Would you like a fre copy of my work ? I wil email it to you if I can

    Have you adress. Or you can down load it on $ 5.95 Via pay pal.


  • Wanda Lee Bobo

    Hi Lisa,


    Just wanting to check on you and see how your books are doing.  I hope you are successful with all your books.


    Wanda Bobo


  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Wanda,

    it is always so wonderful to hear back from you, and Yes!! both of my books have been published now, and have gone live with Amazon and Barnes and noble, but if you would like to purchase signed copies, you can purchase them through me. I have a special offer for the purchase of 2 books, you are welcome to visit my website for details.

    Thanks Wanda, I always enjoy hearing from you

    xoxo  Lisa

  • Ellen Ward

    Lisa- sorry for the long absence. I have been moving my office to another room in my spare time and it has taken quite a while. I do have a facebook account, but use it more for casual communications and I have one game I play to unwind. I do plan on developing a business page and will let you know when that is up and running.


    Family, hobbies... My daughter is grown, but living here in Albuquerque so I spend as much time as possible with her. I run a Bible fellowship twice a week, and when possible, I spend time with family and friends. I love to travel and see new places, although, the economy has put a damper on that.


    How about you?

  • Thomas J Ault

    It has been some time since I have been on you know the tornado stricken areas have had a problem of two and living in Alabama, up until April 27 was wonderful....we are back to normal once more in our home so hopefully I will have more time to write, read, and answer questons...glad you liked my site.
  • natasha augustin

     I write short stories based on animated frictional characters, poems short stories and songs.


  • Diana Monroe

    Sorry I'm so late on replying. Midnight Morning is the first book I'm writing and Black Blood is the second. I'll upload them soon, I'm just not sure if I should post them here, or some where else. :)
  • Callie Leah

    Lisa, I wanted to say thank you! For a while I had some issues going on, so I hadn't really gotten onto Authors for a while, but now I'm back! I read the comments on my wall, and I just wanted to thank you for caring so much! It felt really good to know I've been missed! :)
  • Kenny Thurman

    Hi, ive been having small trouble with finding a publisher. I know its been some time now since you've last commented on my page. It would be fantastic if you knew a good publisher. Let me know! - Kenny Thurman
  • Mahesh Seelvi


    Thanks for your message. I was a bit busy in completing my book. that has been completed now. It is in Hindi a satire. Do you know Hindustani. if yes I may send my book to you.  thanks for messasge


    Mahesh Seelvi

  • Mahesh Seelvi


    Thanks for your message. I was a bit busy in completing my book. that has been completed now. It is in Hindi a satire. Do you know Hindustani. if yes I may send my book to you.  thanks for messasge


    Mahesh Seelvi

  • Maria Younas

    Hey, can you please read the story in my blog?
  • Patricia A. Lopez

    Sorry I didn't get your message sooner.For it has been a while since I've been in here. For I've been doing so many different projects. Check out my other sites in the search engines. Also known as Independent Recording Artist Trisha Blue Water.