judith barrow


kilgetty pembrokeshire wales

United Kingdom

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Anita Shreve

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  • Lisa R.Brereton

    Hi Judith,

    Welcome, it is so nice to have you here among other Authors. it would be nice to learn more about what you write. I am an Author of self-help guide books and poet. if you would like to learn more about me and my books you are welcome to visit my website www.wix.com/LisaBrereton/itswheretheheartis, then just click on my blog

    please stay in touch

    Lisa Brereton

  • judith barrow

    Hi all, at long last I have sent the manudcript of my sequel to Pattern of Shadows to my publishers. I am a very slow writer. I have visited a lot of your websites and am very impressed by the volume and breadth of writing so many of you churn out. I  just  wish I didn't need to sleep - I'd get more done then!

  • judith barrow

    Just realied how long it is since I wrote anything on here - sorry.