Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Posted on July 8, 2011 at 1:43am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Hi, My name is David, and I am a writer....(sighs as the rest of his colleagues smile with a monotone reply,
"Hi David")
The book I am here to talk about is my latest called "Pirate's Heart". This was a story that originated from a story within a story. It was brought to my attention when writing the original which happened to be a screenplaty. At that time I was heavy into screenplays, and anyone who has gone from a screenplay to writing a novel is quite a…
ContinuePosted on June 17, 2011 at 9:20pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
I was once asked not long ago from a friend and fellow writer, how I come up with my ideas for my stories. I told him that for me, it starts with a scene in my mind and I branch out from there.
Most of the material I write are based from dreams that I've had in the past where a particular situation had occured, which looks like a scene from a movie, and I wake up remembering details of the dream. If it seems interesting enough to write a story about, I quickly…
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To us Dave, for the long sleepless nights as our characters haunt us in our sleep, the hours spent typing the words we hear from that little voice inside our head that drives us on. Yes, even the critics who slap us down because in their eyes we aren’t Hemingway and not to mention our families who think were crazy. To us Dave for having the guts to dream, write it down, and finish the story….. Pop
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