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Dr. Jake Wade
  • Male
  • Tilmon, Texas
  • United States
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  • Cliff Ball
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Dr. Jake Wade's Discussions

Truth, not politics

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dr. Jake Wade Aug 30, 2011. 6 Replies

It is not the politicians that are at the root of our economic, moral, and educational decay in this country, it is we, the people. Until we wise up and learn from history that any nation that turns…Continue


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The Great Commandment, I John

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Comment Wall (12 comments)

At 6:32pm on August 22, 2011, Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) said…

Welcome Jake, …from The Chuck!
I write sci-fi novels filled with adventure, mystery, romance, drama, horror, and many more genres all mixed in... Sci-fi for everyone to enjoy. I'm also a published poet. When you have a moment, please check out my Authors page and a few videos and blogs I've recently added... I'm also a medical engineer and medical device designer. My thought process is highly based on scientific fact within the logical reality of life.   Let me know if you'd like to become friends.

The Chuck!

At 7:04pm on August 23, 2011, Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) said…

Hello Jake,

We're now friends at…

I'm sure you'll become an pro with many friends. To learn is to do it for the first time.

Yes, Jacksonville is about thirty miles away. I'm sure it's changed a great deal since the 1960's. I've been living in Texas for about twenty three years. I've always considered myself as a Texan; it just took me a while to get here. All my sci-fi novels are based in Texas in one way or another. I'm originally from Northborough Massachusetts, so you could say I'm a misplaced Yankee. As I jokingly tell people, I had no choice but to move to Texas. Being a Republican amongst so many Yankee Democrats was emotionally frightening.

Thanks, may all your wishes be achieved…

The Chuck!    

At 5:15pm on August 24, 2011, Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) said…


Now I can give you a big Amen for that, and I'm not an Amen type of man. The terminology is most certainly Communists. Our government was established by our great forefathers to be the voice for all Americans, but over the past few years the government has only been speaking for itself and stealing many our liberties. Freedom means freedom, freedom to purchase our own health insurance, freedom to pray anywhere we wish, freedom to have jobs, freedom to say exactly what's on our minds, and I could go on forever. This leftist government we now have has put us debt and greatly weakened our great nation. Their trying to turn us into sheep. And what I don't understand is why so many people are blind to this fact. In 2012, we all need to be proud American lions and vote this evil out of office!

The Chuck          


At 2:37am on August 26, 2011, scribbler said…
Nice to meet you Dr. Jake. :) Welcome aboard. I’ll look forward to getting to know you better.
At 2:46pm on August 30, 2011, Ashlee Palmer said…

Dr. Wade,

Thank you for the compliment on my little girl. She is my everything. I am very lucky. I hope all is well with you, and that you have had a great day. 


At 1:14pm on October 5, 2011, Cliff Ball said…

Thanks for the comment on my novel. I think I did a too good a job of prognosticating what would happen if the President really did get all the power he wanted, because a lot of people don't want to read about what they think is really similar to what's happening now. I originally started this novel idea in the '90's when we all thought Clinton would take down the US, but I put it away until 2008, when I could see that our current President, when he was a candidate, really was not what he said he was. In this novel, everything he wants, like Fairness Doctrine, the former President executed for the War on Terror, and Christians silenced happen, while he sides with terrorists to accomplish all of this. He has an early Tea Party movement eliminated, but eventually, the States begin seceding.... and enough spoilers! lol


I know liberals hate The Usurper because I had one really nasty review of it from one, while Conservatives seem to enjoy it. Now, I only need to figure out how to get the attention of Conservatives to get them to read the novel!

At 3:04pm on October 6, 2011, Dr. Jake Wade said…

Then, the real question looms: Once they have read it, will they get out of their easy chair and do something? The Bible records many instances where God put stupid and perverted leadership over His people to point out their error (King Saul and Hosea, not bad, just had to marry a hooker; to mention a few). Interestingly, when the people woke up and got it, they had many years of prosperity. It is a shame we cannot seem to learn from history.

May God continue to bless you,


At 11:25pm on November 8, 2011, Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) said…

Dr. Jake,

I'm sorry I didn't respond quicker...

I've been busy writing short sci-fi stories to use as promotional tools for selling my novels. So far, I've written 16 stories. I need about 25 stories to put them in an eNovel, which I might do. Right now I let people freely read them. 

How's things going along on your patch of Texas?

Because of this no rain, my patch almost burned... Thank God the old Baxter Fire Department is almost across the street from my little ranch house. 

Take care...

God bless...

The Chuck!

At 11:22am on November 9, 2011, Dr. Jake Wade said…

The Chuck,

No problema. It is also quite parched here. We got a few drops last night,but hardly adequate.

I understand the writing thing. I call it a type of fast. No one or thing gets in unless it is on fire or dying.  I study the Bible the same way with similar positive results.

We should meet half way for a lunch or something, sometime. Of course, you are always welcome here. Due to a spinal condition, I cannot travel very far at one time. I can do about 1 - 11/2 hours at a time (60-90 miles).

I pray that this finds you well and full of joy (successful writing can do that.)

God bless you,


At 5:55pm on February 14, 2012, Kenneth L. Small said…

Dr. Wade, did you ever get your 6 book published?

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