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Added by Monua Cary
Posted on September 16, 2011 at 10:08pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on September 13, 2011 at 11:51pm 5 Comments 3 Likes
One of the main reasons for writers block can be described with just one word...DISTRACTIONS! And we all have them because "life" happens. Modern convenience and technology is a catch 22 situation because along with the ease of computers, microwaves, and iphones, we have complicated our lives with bombarding our "to do" lists with so much STUFF that we refuse to slow down. So at the end of the day when the kids are bathed and put to bed, your…
ContinuePosted on September 12, 2011 at 12:48am 1 Comment 1 Like
As a published non-fiction author, people have "pidgeon-holed" me into a particular style and genre; which is okay. However, I am also a very multi-faceted individual who has a huge imagination, and I wanted to try my hand at something very different than what people would expect. Sticking with one type of writing is okay and "to each his own", but I feel if you're a writer, well, you can write whatever you fancy whenever…
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It is interesting about changing your Genre. I'm sorry to say I could never be a Christian author, nor would they ever publish any of my out-of-the-Ark work. In fact, being a medical engineer for prolonging life, my scientific concepts pertaining to religion might make them believe I'm a non-believer; however, I believe in God own way without believing all the biblical fairy-tales, and I don't care what people thing or say about me. Like you, I do believe many people can write way beyond their genre. Personally, I'd like to write steamy hot romance, mystery, horror, comedy, adventure, and many more genre type novels. So what I've been doing is adding these genres to my sci-fi novels and short stories. They say changing genre after being accepted is like author suicide. The concept of writing is to write what you know from within your very essence, and this does include your imagination and your dreams.
The Chuck!
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