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Steve Norris
  • Male
  • Selby
  • United Kingdom
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Steve Norris's Friends

  • Sean Solomon
  • Forrest Casey
  • Elizabeth Spear
  • Sarah Luddington
  • Jeannie Faulkner Barber
  • Latricia Chandler
  • Omar McLeod
  • Alexandria Infante
  • Susan B. Borgersen
  • George Stringfellow
  • Amanda Chambers
  • Lyn Miller Lacoursiere
  • Stacy Eaton
  • Catherine Green

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Favorite Genre or Category
Mystery and Crime
Favorite Book
Captain Correlli's Mandolin
Favorite Author
Michael Connelly

Steve Norris's Blog

Brilliant Shop Opportunity for UK Indie Authors

Posted on August 3, 2012 at 9:20pm 0 Comments

Hello fellow authors

Fancy an opportunity to have your books featured in a PopUp shop in one of the most bohemian and cool areas of  London - Brick Lane. The store opens on 15th August until mid November

The store, PopUp Collection is a PopUp store open for 3 months to exhibit up and coming new fashion designers. Within the store we have been offered the chance to put up to 15 Authors, ideally 5 a month, to have their books featured in the store. 

The deal is £87 for the…


THE END - Finally

Posted on January 17, 2012 at 8:49am 1 Comment

I can't quite believe it. One year in the writing of this story and I was finally able today to type the words THE END on my second book. I now feel like a writer. It shouldn't have taken a year to write but if you work for a living then writing has to play second fiddle to life's priorities. But still a year is ok.

It's a remarkable feeling to finally grasp the end of the story. To know that the story has a beginning, middle and an end. That the idea you started out with, might have…


E- Book Promotion Days

Posted on September 30, 2011 at 4:07pm 269 Comments

Those of us in the independent sector of publishing will no doubt know that marketing a new book is akin to burning pound or dollar notes. You do all the promotion, you blog like mad, network like a social prostitute and throw money on great ideas, and all you get as a reward is one measly sale on Amazon.

But the other great thing you notice is that one measly sale makes a significant difference on your chart rating, promoting your book thousands of places up the scale. Many of us…


Marketing: Luck or Good Judgement

Posted on September 19, 2011 at 11:23pm 1 Comment

I’ve been pushing my book down various avenues in the last few months and overall been quite disappointed with the results. Everything in life is a learning curve and it does take a while to see what gets results and what doesn’t.
Here are some of the things that have brought success and what hasn’t.
1)      Book Signings – This was tricky at first but now worked out the secret to getting this right. First thing I’ve learnt is that book stores like to do signings…

Comment Wall (15 comments)

At 4:45pm on August 31, 2011, Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) said…

Greetings Steve,  …from The Chuck!
I write sci-fi novels filled with adventure, mystery, romance, drama, horror, and many more genres all mixed in... Sci-fi for everyone to enjoy. I'm also a published poet. When you have a moment, please check out my Authors page and a few videos and blogs I've recently added... Let me know if you'd like to become friends.

The Chuck!

Today's technology is our yesterday's science fiction.

At 4:59pm on August 31, 2011, Steve Norris said…

Hi Chuck

will definitely check your material out soon as I get to find my way around


thanks for the welcome


At 6:58am on September 5, 2011, scribbler said…
Nice to meet you Steve. Welcome aboard. :) I hope you like it here! I look forward to hearing all about your writing.
At 2:26pm on September 5, 2011, Ronald N. Ramos said…
hey i hope you are fine......... im a friend from phil.............
At 4:34pm on September 5, 2011, Steve Norris said…

Hi All


Thanks for the messages


Just on holiday in Asia at the moment, will catch up more when I return.



At 11:37pm on October 18, 2011, Alexandria Infante said…
Thanks for adding me Steve, I'm alie :)
At 5:17pm on October 27, 2011, Omar McLeod said…

Yeah i would be happy with that too. I am wondering if it might be too much trouble to ask you to have a look at this book Publishing Engine Project I am working on. In short, it allows publishers to upload their work, break it up in various packages and sell or give it away if they so choose.

At 4:57pm on January 4, 2012, Sarah Luddington said…

Hi Steve,

Here we go, as they say... And thanks for the help with the more technical aspects of the interwebbiethingy.... ;-)


At 5:09pm on January 4, 2012, Steve Norris said…

Say hi to Sarah (Luddite Luddington) everyone, she's one of those people who's great to know, full of publishing market knowledge as well as fascinating and fun books. Sadly she still hasn't worked out the techie thing with the internet ;-)

At 5:57pm on January 16, 2012, Elizabeth Spear said…

Hi Steve, I understand from Sarah Luddington that you are an excellent mentor to those of us who are not so au fait with ways of promoting our work. I feel I could learn a lot from you, so would you be prepared to add me as a friend? Thanks.

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