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kimberly gray
  • Female
  • toronto, ontario
  • Canada
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  • Blake Ford Hall
  • M.K. Fraser
  • Stephanie Q
  • Ahmed Mukhtar
  • Christopher Stewart
  • Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!)

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Jonathon Living Seagull
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anne rice

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Kimberly gray's Blog

A route to help exists

Posted on July 18, 2012 at 8:26pm 0 Comments

Ashley Davisdon and yes it was his birthday, turning eleven which was three days ago so please do wish him a belated birthday--ok it's really me

Ashley Davisdon and yes it was his birthday, turning eleven which was three days ago so please do wish him a belated birthday–ok it’s really me

The workings behind the site;

Many important factors come into…


An Intimate Interview with a Recovering Alcoholic

Posted on July 7, 2012 at 6:04am 0 Comments

An Intimate Interview with a Recovering Alcoholic…


Magic is Free

Posted on June 22, 2012 at 3:58am 0 Comments


Magic is free

I am sure I can taste what a prose could be

Seems anything a dreamer dreams it to be…



Posted on June 15, 2012 at 10:29am 2 Comments

Intentionally relying on intentions

Remember intention relies on chance, not you

Addictive personality has driven me here

Wait, no, pause, right, straight, there

Warped perceptions are poisonous

Not much different in our lives

Just completely different in our realities

Different isn't always bad, I say

I am not saintly…


Comment Wall (8 comments)

At 2:51pm on June 12, 2012, Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) said…

Kimberly, top of the cosmos to you,  and welcome to  …from The Chuck-master of Science Fiction Fantasy…
        I write sci-fi fantasy novels filled with adventure, mystery, romance, drama, horror, and plenty of comedy… Sci-fi for every adult human to enjoy. I'm also a well-known published poet. When you have a few free moments to spare, please check out my Authors page and a few of my videos and blogs I have recently added. Many of my blogs consist of free to read enjoyable sci-fi stories that I reedited and united these twenty-two stories within an eBook titled: 'Epic Marvels'. One of my recent sci-fi novels is titled: 'They!', which is somewhat related to the 1954 sci-fi classic movie, 'Them!' I've just completed my next sci-fi mystery, titled: 'The Mysteries of Fuller Park'. A fun story based on the eerie satanic urban legends of Fuller Park, Athens, Texas. My next novel title is: 'It's Not A Lovable Pet Story!' LOL... It sure isn't another lovable pet story. Its Sci-fi horror at its best for delighting my many thousands of reading fans. Also, check out my famous 'Apollo Trilogy Novels'… Thanks

Please let me know if you'd like to become friends.

The Chuck!

At 6:08pm on June 12, 2012, M.K. Fraser said…

hey kimbo, i was wonder what the area code of your hair was because id like to get to know it better ;)

im kidding, but honestly im happy to see a fellow Toronto writer here and doing her thing to better at what she loves. i hope you dont take offence to the hair joke, really i just wanted to make an introduction that you may remember, but i honestly just wanted to talk to you and maybe be friends from the same city that learn from each other (which means me learning from you). its a hard business that we love, and i know we dont have much time to socialize, but it would be nice to know you a bit more and possibly benefit from each other God willing.  anyways, i will search you on facebook and see if we can connect, but for now i need to get back to work because there is so much to do and learn, and so little time.

At 6:46pm on June 12, 2012, Stephanie Q said…

Hi Kimberly,

I am a copy editor and proofreader for EditPress, a boutique copy editing service company based in Los Angeles. I used to do freelance work exclusively, but I’m preparing to start a copy editing and proofreading site solely for new self-publishing authors.

EditPress will officially launch on June 25th, 2012; however, as a promotional effort, I’d love to have the chance to do some copy editing work for you, completely free. If you like my work and have some paid projects for me down the road, that’d be great of course, but I’d be happy just for the opportunity to network and share my services to you.

I know you're busy, so I'll make it easy for you: send me the first chapter of a story you're working on, and within 48 hours I will return to you a copy edited and proofread version of your work, accompanied with one page of editorial tips and suggestions-- for FREE. It's a one-time trial and you'll receive free editorial feedback on the work you've done so you can proceed writing with more confidence and less uncertainty. Most importantly, you'll be one step closer to getting published!

What do you think?

Thanks for taking the time to read my message. Have a good day!

- Stephanie

At 2:27pm on June 15, 2012, william huff said…
Sometimes being a genius is as much a curse as a gift...

layer upon that, the fact that you are also one of the most caring, empathetic souls, you, my dear, are a human treasure......

godspeed....may you be satiated by all the joy and happiness you truly deserve.....
At 2:30pm on June 20, 2012, Ahmed Mukhtar said…


ur work is impressive, regards

At 5:17am on June 22, 2012, Christopher Stewart said…

WLANL - andrevanb - Panneau Décoratif, Odilon Redon, 1902, detail (2)

thanks for your friendship kimberly !

wishing you much inspiration & joy ! ☼


At 5:54pm on July 16, 2012, M.K. Fraser said…

kimmyyyy, how u doing with the promotions?

you must be so swamped with different things. just checking up and reminding you to check your mails love


At 7:06pm on August 26, 2012, Blake Ford Hall gave kimberly gray a gift
Tie a red bow ribbon around a Canadian moose....

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