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sacha roopnarine
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  • Trinidad and Tobago
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  • Omar McLeod
  • Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!)
  • Kay Elizabeth
  • scribbler

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Short Stories
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Love and Romance
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williams shakespare

a gentle wind


   I was inspired to write poems and short
stories in the year 2006 because it created a way for me to convey my feelings
of happiness, sorrow, pain, comfort, love and abhorrence. There were many
impediments I reluctantly faced in life, days when I could not face the world
and people who love me, sleepless nights when I kept thinking about the
difficult times I struggled through, these were the moments when I could not
help the dramas i faced. The only thing that made me stronger was when I took
the time to write my feelings, because I could not explain my emotions even
when I spoke to those who cared.

    The most complicated time I went through
was the time I was medically ill. My family never gave up hope and did
everything feasible to make me healthy, but got little results. Even when I
gave up my dreams and hope, my family did not rest at night; instead they were
searching for the bliss I desire. They placed their life on hold to satisfy the
joy I wanted. I was the one who was ill, but I never went through the pain my
family did. Sometimes I think emotional pain is worst than physical pain. I
knew I was hurting them but they never showed me their pain. I gave up in God,
I pushed everyone away hoping they would let go of me, not realising what I did
brought more pain to them. Soon later I realised my family needs me more than
anything else in this world. These were the times I could not face my family to
say the words “I’m sorry.” I wrote poems relating to my life hoping to find a
way to show them my love.

    Some time later, my family made it possible
for me to be healthy once more. Soon later I came up with the idea to publish
the poems and short stories which I wrote at the age of fourteen. Since then
the drive to this endeavour has drowned me intensely as I faced countless
disappointments, but my family taught me to never give up, and I did just that.
I took one step at a time and gradually reached the top.

    A Gentle Wind consists of inspirational
poems and fictional short stories; it was edited by Rampersad Ramsawak, printed
by Printcom Caribbean Limited and released on the 14th February

Comment Wall (6 comments)

At 9:52pm on October 22, 2011, Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) said…

Sacha, welcome aboard, …from The Chuck!
               I write sci-fi novels filled with adventure, mystery, romance, drama, horror, and many more genres all mixed in... Sci-fi for everyone to enjoy. I'm also a published poet. When you have a moment, please check out my Authors page and a few of my videos and blogs I've recently added. Many of my blogs consist of free to read enjoyable sci-fi stories I plan to unite within a book. Let me know if you'd like to become friends.

The Chuck!

At 3:13am on October 25, 2011, sacha roopnarine said…
i'm new at this chat room, so excuse me if i dont reply to anyone etc. not sure how it works etc.
At 6:17am on October 25, 2011, scribbler said…
Sacha, don't worry about the chatroom. It logs you in there too when you're logged into the site so the names you see listed aren't always actually just in the room either -they are somewhere on To use the chatroom, you just type a message in chat the same as you would do if you are posting. It's easy. :) Welcome aboard. :)
At 3:47pm on October 25, 2011, sacha roopnarine said…
thank you so much, how can i get help in selling my book? i live in trinidad, i wrote a book of short stories and poems, they are only available in trinidad.
At 8:29am on October 28, 2011, Kay Elizabeth said…

Hi sacha! Welcome to It’s great to meet you! I hope we’ll see you around the site often. :) You can check out the Groups at - there's ones related to book marketing, publishing, poetry and promotion and a fine place to start. Join the ones you'd like to keep up with too or ask anything in.


We’d love it if you could pop in on this thread please and share how you found your way to us. :)

At 7:21pm on October 28, 2011, sacha roopnarine said…
it is a great pleasure being here and having you as a friend. thanks for the add. sorry, but im not too familar with tis site but if its not a problem can you advise me on how to sell my book and let my book become known. thank you

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