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Ending Paragraphs at the Right Place

Although paragraph structure challenges writers, it is essential not only to help organize the content logically but also to keep the reader interested to the end of the document. On the other hand, if paragraphs are not structured well, the reader will have difficulty understanding the ideas being presented and will be unlikely to respond as you wish.




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Added by David Bowman on May 21, 2011 at 1:38am — No Comments

Just A Reminder!

Just a reminder there is only ten days left in this contest!

Hi, I would like to extend an invitation to you and anyone that you feel would like to enter the contest we are having: The Trestle Press Summer Search. What are we searching for and why? We feel you may be the next Stephen King, Lee Child, David Morrell, James Patterson, Janet Evanovich, Irene Hannon, Nora Roberts, or Suzanne Woods Fisher. We would like to find you, have you as a client and help make you a successful…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 20, 2011 at 9:43pm — No Comments

Who Whacked The Blogger? Benjamin Sobieck/ Giovanni "The G-Man" Gelati

This friend is way too much fun! I have gotten a chance thus far to be a part of some very serious brain storming, incredible writing, and deadly execution by some really nice, talented authors. The latest release “Who Whacked the Blogger” just made me take a step back and gasp in awe as Benjamin Sobieck just gave birth to a new, intensely funny character that I hope to get to read for a long time: Maynard Soloman. I can’t do justice to the man’s riffs. His prose in this is just amazing,…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 20, 2011 at 7:13pm — No Comments

Hot Zone by Betty Womack

My Rating:  4 of 5 Cups…

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Added by Laurie Jenkins on May 20, 2011 at 5:01pm — No Comments

Interview with Celia Yeary

This week my guest author is Celia…

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Added by Laurie Jenkins on May 20, 2011 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Silver Wolf Cleveland W. Gibson


Today’s short story author Cleveland W. Gibson has really grown on me. He has developed a nice, small library of work already that displays his diversity and uncanny ability to drive deep into the heart and soul of matters, regardless of the genre. Here is a something about the author if you haven’t had a read on his work yet and also something on the digital short story:

“Cleveland W. Gibson has a knack for the paranormal/fantasy world and in Silver Wolf he takes us on…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 19, 2011 at 10:36pm — No Comments

Buried Prey John Sandford

Lucas Davenport just knows how to find his guy and solve a mystery doesn’t he? I really love this novel for so many reasons, let me count the ways. But first, let’s just jump into the synopsis:

“A house demolition provides an unpleasant surprise for Minneapolis-the bodies of two girls, wrapped in plastic. It looks like they've been there a long time. Lucas Davenport knows exactly how long.

In 1985, Davenport was a young cop with a reputation for recklessness, and the girls'…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 19, 2011 at 6:54pm — No Comments

Marilyn 1926-20--

I am still looking for someone to help me, or write from info I have on Marilyn Monroe. I  was the mgr of someone I was led to think was a Marilyn tribute artist.  I was living and managing various artists in Hollywood in the seventies. I discovered a lot of info on my new artist, and when I confronted her and proved where I got the info, she and I made an agreement not to tell anyone as it would cause problems. She will be 85 on june the first and has agreed to let me tell all. I am not… Continue

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Added by Osie Jackson on May 18, 2011 at 11:43pm — No Comments

Tomorrow's Girls Eva Grey

A Middle school book to share with my youngest daughter on occasion is fun and breaks things up a bit. Next week I will be reading a Brett Battles middle school novel, and sometime later I believe the new John Grisham YA novel also. Okay let’s get this rolling along and find out what is between the covers:

“In a terrifying future world, four girls must depend on each other if they want to survive.

Louisa is nervous about being sent away to a boarding school -- but she’s…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 18, 2011 at 10:48pm — No Comments

The Capta and The Cop Part II Thad Brown

I am amazed each and every time I get to read one of the new installments in The Smoking Gun Sisterhood Series. There are ten installments; we have reached number five and man I do not want it to end. Hopefully Thad Brown will see fit to start something new or to expand the universe of strong female characters he has developed. I make no bones about my love for this man’s writing; he is just sensational. As a side note: I have had the privilege of collaborating with Thad Brown on a Trestle…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 18, 2011 at 8:32pm — No Comments

My book

I would like to find someone to help me with my book.  I have written it (515 pages typed) but have no money to edit or publish.  It could probably be turned into two books.  It's about my whole military career to include two deployments to Iraq.  I am willing to split royalties 50/50 if there is anyone out there to help me.

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Added by Robert on May 18, 2011 at 9:24am — No Comments

Where Does the Comma Go?

Do commas confuse you?

The final stage of the writing and editing process is proofreading: correcting any errors in spelling, punctuation, word usage, and format. Roughly 75% of what I do while proofreading clients’ documents is correct commas.


When I teach university writing courses, I ask the students, “What’s the number one thing that confuses you…


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Added by David Bowman on May 17, 2011 at 11:26pm — No Comments

Hey, are you listening to this(okay maybe reading it)?


Hi, for those of you that may not know me yet, I am Giovanni “The G-Man” Gelati. I have a blog, a blogtalk radio show, am a cover art artist, and now I am a collaborator. No I am not a terrorist or doing anything illegal, but collaborating with authors of all different genres to bring fun  and interesting digital short stories to the masses. Besides blatant self-promotion why am I taking up your time to put this out there? Very simply I want to help and I want to get to Know YOU…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 17, 2011 at 9:03pm — No Comments

It's All About The Tourists Chantal Boudreau


Hello to you on this wonderfully rainy Tuesday. I know it may not be raining where you are, in whatever part of the world you are in, but here in Levittown, PA we are under a flood watch again. Why not enjoy another flood watch with a smile, and a good read?  Not only am I posting on Chantal Boudreau’s digital short story today, I am also the lucky guy that gets to interview her later today,7pm EST, on my blogtalk radio show, The G-ZONE. As I have just mentioned the show, here are…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 17, 2011 at 6:45pm — No Comments

The Follow Up Mark Miller Guest Post


Giovanni, thanks for having me back! I’m sitting here reflecting on the really terrific week my publisher, Comfort Publishing put together for me last week. The long-awaited second book in my Empyrical Tales series was released in style. The Lost Queen is available now! Comfort, together with Great Wolf Lodge, hosted a Homeschool Week. In the past, Great Wolf simply offered a discount to homeschoolers during this week, right after their public school spring break season is over.…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 16, 2011 at 7:40pm — No Comments

G.S.I. Gelati's Scoop Investigations Psychotic Detectives Thomas White/ Giovanni "The G-Man" Gelati

The stories just keep coming fast and furious. I have been fortunate to be able to tap into a pool of amazing and talented authors that have a true enthusiasm for their craft. These men and women are in my estimation just incredible authors and people. Basically they are taking a blogger, me, and risking a chance of really being embarrassed as I may drag them to my level and consequently produce some really rotten stuff. What has happened though is nothing short of brilliance. Thomas White’s…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 15, 2011 at 7:29pm — No Comments

My Writing

There are many different goals that we set for our lives. Whether it is to become a house hold name, have your name up in lights, or just to be a good wife and mother. My goals have been all over the place for a long time, but there has always been one that I have stuck to and will always hope will happen. I want one of my books to make it to the Best Sellers list. I have been reading Stephen King and Iris Johansen almost religiously and I can see that they are genius, I just want someone to…


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Added by Shanequa Kirkley on May 13, 2011 at 9:31pm — No Comments

Far Away by Shanequa Kirkley

This book is very important to me.

I have been working hard on it for a little over a year and it is going to be the first of my new start when it comes to getting my work published. I am currently looking for an agent that does not want my arms, legs, and first born child just to help me out and hopefully they will find me a publisher that will be this story justice. I worked hard on it so I should expect nothing but the best for it...dont you think?

I decided that it would be…


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Added by Shanequa Kirkley on May 13, 2011 at 9:30pm — No Comments

The Proposition:Intangibles Cody Toye

Are you ready to Rumble? Want to read a seriously dark, angry, violent origin story to a new and gripping sci-fi/fantasy digital short story franchise? Do you groove on fire golems and wolves? In the future after reading this are you going to stare at people on the beach to see if they do indeed possess a belly button? How many more questions can I right in a row? Will I ever tell you what this story is about and stop beating around the bush? Can I in fact get to what is between the virtual…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 13, 2011 at 8:48pm — No Comments

Building A Support Network of Fellow Authors: who's the enemy?

Experienced authors know that finishing your book does not mean you've finished your work by any means. It's just beginning. If you want to keep your enthusiasm alive, build lasting friendships and even possibly rack up more sales, knowing how to build and nurture a support network online will help you immensely. This is a very valuable skill in any profession. For writers, there's no better place to start developing it than amongst those who will understand you and your passion most: your…


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Added by on May 13, 2011 at 12:52pm — 30 Comments

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