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Dead Man : Heaven in Hell Lee Goldberg

Hey, welcome to Thursday; we are one day removed from TGIF, can’t wait, seriously. I am looking forward to this weekend because I have another new release this week, G.S.I. Gelati’s Scoop Investigations, Psychotic Detectives, another in The Author’s Lab/Collaboration Series with Thomas White, author of Justice Rules. Really fun stuff, his style is just brilliant, but ‘nuff said on that, I will pop in a post on Monday morning for it. Today I am dropping in two posts, the first on this…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 12, 2011 at 8:33pm — No Comments

Jayde Scott A Job From Hell

I am not going to discuss writing for my blog or even being host of the G-ZONE , my blogtalk radio show. That is not hell; it is at times very heavenly. No, Jadye Scott has written a novel that can be pegged as a paranormal/romance/smart@#$ novel. A girl after my own heart, great read. What is so wonderful about this deliciously wicked read? Check out what is between the covers:

“The moment Amber starts her new summer job in Scotland and sets eyes upon Aidan, her fate is sealed.…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 11, 2011 at 11:18pm — No Comments

Misery Unleashed Jeffrey Martin

Do you like the cover art for this digital short story? I did it. I am not trying to toot my own horn here it is just that I tried to match the energy, the skill, and the quality of the author. He really stepped up to the plate on this sequel to “House of Misery” and hit a home run. Horror, suspense, and just good old time craftsmanship are in these virtual pages. Check out what is behind the flaming skull’s head on the cover:

“Trestle Press Spring Submission Contest Winner Jeffrey…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 11, 2011 at 8:40pm — No Comments

Xavier Leret Guest Post

When I began Heaven Sent, it was a eureka moment, not in the sense that I had cracked something profound like light speed or the secrets to eternal life, I just knew that I had started my first novel. I hadn't set out to start it. It wasn't like when I wrote plays. I would announce that my theatre company was going to tour a play and it would be about this or that, and then I would write it. Heaven Sent didn't begin like that. I just wrote a thousand words. That thousand words were about…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 11, 2011 at 3:08pm — No Comments

Political Correctness Not Always Preferred

When writing or speaking about indigenous people there are several terms available for us to use.  Older words have been replaced with newer, more culturally-sensitive phrases.  Sometimes it can get confusing to know just which term is appropriate for which group of people.


Some terms are either too inclusive or not inclusive enough.  They are ambiguous, not really portraying the group accurately.  A slow change began in the late 60s to use more respectful and meaningful…


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Added by Val Fox on May 11, 2011 at 4:42am — No Comments

Spotlight Interview with author Wanda Bobo

Q1: Thanks for participating in our Spotlight Interview series! Please introduce yourself and your book to help our readers get to know you.

A: Hi, I am Wanda Bobo and my first book is Chickendoodle! Where Are You?  My sister, M.S. Bottoms is the illustrator.  I live in Arkansas with my husband.  The book is for children 4-8 years old.  It is also a good easy-reader book for older children who are having difficulty reading at their grade level.  This…


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Added by SpotlightInterviews on May 11, 2011 at 4:41am — No Comments

The Saga of Adeline McCoy - Book 1 - Chapter 3

"Don't worry, Jude. I'm right here," Darius comforted me as we walked up the stairs to German class, “And don’t worry if you cry. I’m pretty sure no one will make fun of you. It’s hard for anyone to hear about this stuff.”

“I know. I’ll be OK.” we entered the classroom. When we sat down, Darius held my hand. Herr Krueger came over to say something to me.

“Jude, if you don’t want to watch this video we’re watching today - I understand. It’s about what happened in the, uh. . . .… Continue

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Added by Maddie Talbert on May 11, 2011 at 1:44am — No Comments

The Saga of Adeline McCoy - Book 1 - Chapter 2

Danni, Michie, and I advanced down the long and winding driveway. Being as clumsy as I am, I slipped on the ice covered pavement about halfway down the driveway, but I simply got back up and continued walking. This is what winter in Rutland did to a person - falling on the cold hard ground soon became painless and casual.

Eventually, we got to the end of the driveway and the bus came rolling down the hill toward us. I threw the apple I was eating as far in the opposite direction as I… Continue

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Added by Maddie Talbert on May 11, 2011 at 1:43am — No Comments

The Saga of Adeline McCoy - Book 1 - Chapter 1

I stood, unidentifiable, on the side of a deserted road in the middle of an unnamed city (to me at least) that was blanketed with darkness and frozen in a nightly chill. I was all alone and scared for some reason, as if I was hiding from something and I didn't want to be caught. Wandering around the streets, attached to an apartment building, I saw a poster that I could just barely read under the dim light of the street lamp. It said "Juden sind Verräter". The words were German, and I knew what… Continue

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Added by Maddie Talbert on May 11, 2011 at 1:41am — No Comments

The Saga of Adeline McCoy - Book 1 - Introduction

Ok, so I'm only 13 years old, and trying to write a book. I'll post each chapter periodically, and I NEED CRITICISM IN ORDER TO MAKE THIS BOOK GOOD!! i will gladly accept any criticism i can get:)

The book is about a girl named Adeline. You'll find out much about her as you read, which I hope you do!

What I am about to tell you is absolutely, positively, 100% true. Yes, a lot of insane stuff happens in this story, believe me. I lived it. It’s for real.… Continue

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Added by Maddie Talbert on May 11, 2011 at 1:39am — No Comments

What is going on here?

People tell me at times I appear to be busy. That might just be perception, but to set the record straight and not toot my own horn here I will give you a rundown of what I really have going on here so there is no confusion and I have all the cards on the table. Here goes:

One thing I am really proud to be a part of is what is happening for Laurie Bowler right now. She is part of a contest on Goodreads that is trying to pick the best YA novels of 2011. She has eight of her titles…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 10, 2011 at 9:41pm — No Comments

Big Daddy Abel Open Mic Volume Three

Things are moving right ahead for my fellow collaborator, Big Daddy Abel. What is he up to you ask? Pretty much a lot, here is a list of stuff he has on his plate tell me if you don’t agree. He currently has just released Volume Three of his highly rated and best-selling Open Mic Series. Open Mic Volume One rose as high as #20 in his Kindle category for Humor/Essay in sales and stayed at a steady #3 in ratings with 39 five star reviews. Pretty impressive, huh? Open Mic Two has sold well and…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 10, 2011 at 5:45pm — No Comments

Robert Parker Sixkill

Sixkill rules! I want to take a different tact with this, as I am huge fan of the author‘s work. Okay he passed away, this is his last work, yes, I am sad. But instead let’s celebrate this last work for the fun and frolic that it is. No Hawk, total bummer, but he seems to have had a plan with that, maybe the new author will take it to new heights, a new resurgence with a fresh approach and set of eyes on the characters. I have read every Spenser novel , yes every one, and have enjoyed each…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 9, 2011 at 10:06pm — No Comments

Leo Maloney Termination Orders Code Name Cobra


This was a great week to read this novel. Leo Maloney and his character Cobra, are very patriotic guys: doing the right thing for the right reasons. The story is emotional, raw and intense. I love a novel that wears its heart on its sleeve, makes for a good read. Let’s get right to the action shall we?

“Leo J. Maloney, former Black Ops contractor, penned this action thriller novel as a quasi-memoir about the dark but arguably necessary side of intelligence that the…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 6, 2011 at 7:54pm — No Comments

The 6th Man David Baldacci

What can I say about a novel by a guy whose last name ends in a vowel like mine? What do you think? I wonder does he come from the old country like I do, I mean Trenton, N.J. I really don’t know; I haven’t had the pleasure and privilege of interviewing one of my favorite authors on this planet. I have read and consumed every word that the man has written that I can get my hands on. Here in The 6th Man I thought, hey, he is taking Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, one…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 6, 2011 at 12:59pm — No Comments

Alexandrea Weis Guest Post Recovery

The Meaning of Recovery


In writing Recovery, the sequel to my first book To My Senses, I incorporated a great deal of my experiences with the aftermath of Katrina into the novel. It was not a cathartic event but writing this novel did help me to redefine what the concept of recovery meant to me.


     I had lived in Lakeview about a half a mile from the now infamous seventeenth street canal. When we were finally allowed back into…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 5, 2011 at 8:52pm — No Comments

Brett Battles Sick

I am going to channel my teenage son here: “Sick is just sic, it is off the hook sic, basically it can’t get any sic’r than it is.” Now to understand the teenage mind just a little bit, that means it is good in a good way even though it doesn’t sound that way. For me, being the geezer that I am, I would say that it is just rad, hip and cool, peachy keano, or something along those old man one foot in the grave type things. But seriously folks, I am a big Cleaner fan, the…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 5, 2011 at 6:44pm — No Comments

When writing a short story becomes internal warfare


You sit down and start to write a short story. Or a novel. Or a movie script. You slave over the keyboard. You bleed all over your computer screen. You litter the keyboard with cake crumbs and spill coffee . . . or bourbon . . . or Coke . . . everywhere.

It's a fraken war. It's like dragging a nine hundred pound gorilla… Continue

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Added by B.R. Stateham on May 4, 2011 at 10:34pm — No Comments

Serial Killers Uncut Blake Crouch/JA Konrath


Epic, that word gets thrown around a lot, probably at times, too much. But in this case, it is most accurate. Crouch and Konrath are right now the tip of the spear in this eworld we live in. This download has more gadgets on it then on anything I have seen. Plus the disclaimer at the beginning, I love it. Fortunately with aid of heavy medication and an understanding wife I can sleep at night, the recurring plotline just keeps running through my mind, over and over and over: the…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on May 4, 2011 at 9:17pm — No Comments

Music of the Heart La corazon by L.D. Tames

Latino crossover Poetry publication.

Love is never alone...

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Added by lorie tamez on May 4, 2011 at 7:13pm — 1 Comment

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